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Friday, March 14, 2025

D-Company Incident Map & Locations

D-Company AO

LZ Bayonet

Home of  D Company 1st BN, 6th INF, 198th LIB
Americal Division, Vietnam

Hill 54

Hill 54 - Artillery Fire base

Hill 69

Hill 69 - Artillery Fire base

Hill 76

Hill 76 - Artillery Fire base

Hill 270

Hill 270 - Artillery Fire base

LZ Baldy

Landing Zone Baldy (also known as FSB Baldy or Hill 63) was a U.S. Marine Corps, Army and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) base located northwest of Chu Lai, Quảng Nam Province in central Vietnam.

LZ Bowman

Southwest of Tam Ky

LZ Center

East of Hiep Duc. In Hiep Duc Valley 1 mile northeast of Vinh Dong hill.

LZ Chippewa

Div Arty ORLL

LZ Dottie

Twelve miles south of Chu Lai, AKA Hill 102 and Nui Dong De. East of highway 1 and North of Ham Giang River.

LZ East

Eleven miles west of Tam Ky

LZ West

To the south was the Song Chang River. In the valley to the north was the Song Lau River and the Old French Road. To the east was the Nui Lon Mountain (known as the mountain of leeches to the Vietnamese).


Light Anti Aircraft Missile Site

Tam Ky AF

Tam Ky Airfield

2/15/68 14:28:00

198, D/1/6, at 1400H, closed LZ Baldy.

2/18/68 02:15:00

3/4, LZ Baldy, 0120H, friendly 105 rd hit direct on bunker manned by D/1/6. 3 wounded.

2/20/68 10:00:00

3/4, D/1/6, vic BT124484 at 0910H, found 3 VN killed by mines yesterday.

2/21/68 16:30:00

3/4, D/1/6, C/1/10, vic BT076394 at 1550H, engaged 3 VC. Result: 1 VC KIA, 2 VC CIA.

2/21/68 17:00:00

3/4, D/1/6 & C/1/10, vic BT076394 at 1545H, found 50 cal ammo and 20mm ammo without projectile or powder, AK-47 ammo, 1 roll of commo wire, detonating cord, and time fuse. Pictures of helicopters were on wall. All were found in hootch and will be destroyed.

2/21/68 21:30:00

3/4, D/1/6, LZ Baldy, 2100H, D/1/6 reported that 1 EM had accidently shot himself in the lower abdomen with a 38 cal pistol. Evac to Da Nang. Being investigated.

2/22/68 10:55:00

3/4, D/1/6, vic BT125483 at 1015H, found mine, pressure type, 10-15 lbs. It had C4 explosives in it.

2/23/68 15:45:00

3/4, D/1/6 & C/1/10, vic BT128482 at 1430H, observed 2 VC running from hootch wearing white PJ’s. In hootch found bundle of fresh punji stakes. Also in same area observed 6 men evading W, 5 in black PJ’s and 1 in uniform, neg results. Destroyed stakes.

2/24/68 15:45:00

3/4, D/1/6, C/1/6, 1043H, BT107474, observed 1 VC evading. Res: 1 VC KIA (C).

2/28/68 09:35:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT146473, 0855H, received AW fire from the east, believe it to be AK-47,C/7/17 requested to maneuver against it at this time.

2/28/68 13:21:00

198th, 1/52, D/1/6, vic BT653012, 1300H, while patrolling area spotted 1 mil age male evading, res: 1 VC KIA.

3/01/68 11:31:00

Delayed entry, 196th, D-1-6 – vicinity BT081389, at 1020H, detained 1 female following the unit, she had no ID, will evac.

3/02/68 17:46:00

196th, 196thTOC - vicinity BT133453, 1543-1743H, D-1-6 lift into the field completed at 1543H, B-1-6 lifted to Baldy complete 1743, all of B at Baldy now.

3/03/68 09:37:00

Delayed entry, 196th, D-1-6 - vicinity BT120462, at 0834H, found a switch board jack US type, wrapped around a hut, found inside hut some documents, jack and documents were evac, hut destroyed, jack serial #CX-1331-U

3/03/68 10:40:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT126470 at 0947H, found an air hole in ground, heard voice inside, yelled for them to come out, they refused, HG thrown in. Result: 2 VC KIA, also found pills in a pack wrapped in tin foil, will destroy

3/03/68 14:40:00

196th, D-1-6, vicinity BT126472 at 1200H found 2 more well camouflaged spider holes, threw in HG – destroyed

3/03/68 14:43:00

Delayed entry, 196th, D-1-6, vicinity BT126472, at 1210H observed 2 VCS evading, fired warning shots, refused to halt, engaged with SA fire. Result: 2 VCS WIA CIA, 1 wounded with SA fire, 1 had shrapnel wounds from a day or so ago. Both were female, with no ID cards, 12 years old

3/04/68 10:30:00

196th, D-1-6, vicinity BT109464 at 0856H found estimated 1500 lbs rice in 18 well camouflaged containers, same area detained 1 military age male wearing white PJs with no ID card, do not know what will be done with rice, detainee will be evacuated to IPW cage.

3/04/68 11:31:00

196th, D-1-6, vicinity BT109414 at 1015H, detained 1 military age male wearing tan trousers, white shirt, had no ID card, will evac to IPW cage

3/04/68 17:10:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT113468 at 1620H found 1 VCS hiding in a hole. He had marijuana on his person also had a chest wound, had no ID card, will evac to 2nd Surg

3/05/68 10:14:00

D-1-6, vicinity BT098456, 0925H found 2 tunnels well camouflaged. No equipment inside. After search of tunnel, observed 1 military age male evading, refused to halt, engaged w/SA wounding him in the leg. No ID was evac to 196 IPW camp. Tunnels destroyed. 1 military age male evading, refused to halt, engaged w/SA wounding him in the leg. No ID was evac to 196 IPW camp. Tunnels destroyed.

3/05/68 11:31:00

D-1-6 vicinity BT098452, 1045H, found a hooch with US type medic box containing 2 homemade gas masks and assorted civilian clothing. 1 old male and female being questioned.

3/05/68 13:15:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT108462, 1200H found 1 bag of rice camouflaged with grass hidden in a crevice. A further search found 36 bags (approx. 2,520 lbs) of rice, 35 lb salt and 20 tobacco. All evacuated.

3/05/68 20:34:00

D-1-6, BT101472, 2002H, while moving into night ambush location they observed and engaged 3 VC at 30 meters to south; checked area and found spider holes so are going to sit on them tonight.

3/06/68 11:20:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT098445 at 1020H found 2 unknown type mines camouflaged on trail, rigged for pressure detonation, destroyed in place.

3/06/68 12:15:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT087456 at 1132H found on trail a small unknown type pressure detonating mine, size of a CRation can, not camouflaged or booby trapped - will destroy in place.

3/06/68 13:15:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT088455 at 1251H found 1 x 81mm dud round not camouflaged or booby trapped, destroyed in place.

3/07/68 11:03:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT074458 at 1005H found in camouflaged hedgerow: 1 bin of rice w/approx 2000 lbs rice, will evac rice.

3/07/68 20:30:00

196th, D-1-6, BT090454, 2020H at ambush location one woman jumped out of bush and threw one hand grenade resulting in 1 WHA (M) and one VC KIA. A male was spotted running away, he was engaged with SA fire, but got away, ambush moving back to base camp.

3/08/68 10:59:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT078461 at 0940H found a well camouflaged 1000 lbs of rice, 1025H found buried in ground 3500 lbs rice, 1100 lbs of rice, all will be evac, total 5600 lbs.

3/09/68 13:10:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT078460, 1250H found 3500# of rice in crocks, burned in ground. Will be evac. Result: 3500# of rice destroyed.

3/10/68 12:55:00

196th, D-1-6 vicinity BT066496 at 1144H found 650 lbs rice in crock buried in ground. Will evac rice.

3/11/68 09:50:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT068473 at 0945H found 1,500 lbs rice buried in ground, will evac.

3/11/68 12:20:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT068478 at 1105H observed 2 military age males evading, warning shots fired, refused to halt, engaged with small arms. Result: 1 VC KIA, with black PJs, no ID cards.

3/11/68 17:10:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT066482 at 1600H observed 2 military age males evading, engaged with small arms. Result: 2 VC KIA, they wore black PJs.

3/12/68 09:50:00

(Note: Item number 16 was duplicated in original). (Delayed) 196, D-1-6 vicinity BT070481 at 0910H found 4300 lbs of rice in crocks buried in the ground, will evac.

3/12/68 10:25:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT068482 at 0910H found unknown type round lying in the open. 36” long, 10” diameter, EOD sent to check out.196, D-1-6 vicinity BT068482 at 0910H found unknown type round lying in the open. 36” long, 10” diameter, EOD sent to check out.

3/12/68 13:25:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT066479 at 1225H found 14 x M1 rounds, 3 x 9mm magazines, each magazine had 30 rounds (90 rounds total). Also found propaganda leaflets. All were hidden in a can which was in a hedgerow, will evac.

3/12/68 17:15:00

196, D-1-6, BT068487, 1700H found 1 PRC 25 battery, 1 Starlight case in a hut. Outside of hut found 1 60mm mortar round, round destroyed. Equipment evac.

3/13/68 13:55:00

196, D-1-6 vicinity BT080482 at 1250H received SA fire, 1 US WHA (E), scrambled gunships and are checking area now. 1453H completed checking area with negative results.

3/16/68 09:55:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT083490 at 0915H, while entering village heard a ringing noise believed to be a warning, then a large explosion occurred. Res: 2 US KHA, 6 US WHA (4 evac), 2 minor). Believed to be command detonated, unk type.

3/16/68 10:05:00

196, D/1/6, vic BT083490, 1100H, rec’d hvy SA fire from unk size element, gunship is spraying area at this time, arty being called.

3/16/68 16:00:00

196, D/1/6, BT083490, 1100H, ref journal #37, should read 1 VC KIA.

3/17/68 11:30:00

(delayed entry) 196, D/1/6, vic BT081500 at 1045H, 1 VC jumped out of a foxhole and threw 2 Chicom HG’s at above element. Eng’d w/SA, res: 1 VC KIA, no US cas.

3/18/68 21:12:00

196, D/1/6, BT074478, 2025H, while moving to night loc they met 10-15 VC w/wpns walking down trail toward patrol, engaged VC at 25 meters, pulled back and called in arty. Will check area at first light.

3/28/68 09:51:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT120467 at 0840H, found 1200 lbs of rice buried in the ground, will evac. 1016H, total rice found 3200 lbs, also found 600 lbs potatoes, also in a pool of water found 1xUS jungle boot and 1xtennis shoe and 1x5 gal water can. 1 male in area detained, no ID card.

3/29/68 21:00:00

196th, D/1/6, BT079478 at 2053H, setting up Claymore mine, rec’d AW/M79 rds, ret’d fire, 81mm, illum, saw 6 VC moving NW at 200 meters , eng’d w/SA. Checking area now.

3/29/68 21:15:00

196th, D/1/6, BT086467 at 2055H, eng’d 3 VC, res: 3 VC KIA. No wpns, white PJ’s, no ID’s. Eng’d 10 meters from Rat Patrol location. One had a lit cigarette which gave them away.

3/30/68 07:01:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT093466 at 0645H, obs 1 VC who obs them, VC ran into a hootch waving arms, he and 2 others ran out, eng’d all 3, res: 1 VC KIA, 1 CIA.

3/30/68 16:43:00

196, D/1/6, BT086467 at 1610H, found a dead VC hidden in bushes. He had been KIA by SA. Res: 1 VC KIA, VN said he was a VC guerrilla.

3/31/68 09:22:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT080428 at 0825, obs 1 MAM evading 50 meters to east, ran toward hut, eng’d. Res: 1 VC KIA, woman in hut slightly wounded, evac to Baldy for interrogation.

3/31/68 15:00:00

(delayed entry) 196th, TOC, Rcn/1/6, lifted from Baldy to LZ Colt (1 Hook) complete 1444H. D/1/6 lifts PZ 1410H from Baldy, LZ 1440 BT078474, complete.

3/31/68 20:50:00

196th, D/1/6, BT078473 at 2035H, rec’d 20 rds of SA fire. All rds landed in night location. Neg casualties. Called arty on suspected enemy location.

3/31/68 21:55:00

196th, D/1/6, R/P-23, BT078474, rec’d some SA fire, H&I type fire. Returning to NDP because 1 man coughing. NCD, did not fire arty.

4/01/68 12:38:00

196, D/1/6, vic BT216454 at 0823H, found 2x60mm mortar base plates buried in ground, 1xNVA pack, 2xUS canteens, medical dressings. Will evac.

4/03/68 11:40:00

196, D/1/6, BT090463 at 0940H, obs 3 MAM 400 meters NW evading. Engaged w/SA, checked area and found 1female KIA.

4/07/68 18:45:00

198th, D/1/6, Tam Ky (Airfield) at 1640H, departed Baldy at 1611H. Closed Tam Ky 1640H. D, 3rd Plat.

4/08/68 13:25:00

196, 1/6, C/1/6, PZ, lifts completed 1217H, D/1/6, PZ 1202, LZ 1318H, complete to Tam Ky airfield.

4/09/68 09:50:00

198th, D/1/6, CA for D/1/6 complete, PZ 0855, Hill 218, LZ 0941, vic BT239142, cold.

4/13/68 12:14:00

198th, D/1/6, at 1000H vic BT237123, eng’d 5 VC, 3 of which had wpns. Arty firing on VC at this time.

4/17/68 14:40:00

198th, D/1/6, at 1430H vic BT263135, found 16 graves containing 16 VN males, green uniforms. Appeared to be several days old, killed by shrapnel. 1515H: determined to have probably been killed during TET offensive, will not count as body count.

4/18/68 14:50:00

198th, D/1/6, at 1420H vic BT240113, rec’d hvy SA and sniper fire. Res: 1 US WHA (evac), gunships on station.

4/21/68 10:03:00

198th, D/1/6, 1003H vic BT244146, BT255152, reported receiving fire from ARVN troops. Contacted Tam Ky, SP Courtney said the 2nd ARVN were doing the firing, the unit was Company 99, 4/6 Regt. The ARVN’s have stopped firing.

4/23/68 20:20:00

198th, D/1/6, BT214122 at 2015H, ambush eng’d 3 VC, res: 1 VC KIA, 1 WIA but evaded. No wpn or no ID card. Ambush returned to Company location.

4/27/68 10:26:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT220082 at 1005H, loc 1 VC KIA, male, 19yrs old wearing green shirt and pants. No ID, had a small pouch w/documents, “Goofy” grape Kool-Aid package, 2xM-1 rifle clips (empty), KIA by arty.

4/29/68 13:45:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT167072 at 1335H, found 1xMAS-36 rifle.

4/29/68 19:40:00

198th, D/1/6, BT173100, rec’d 11x81mm rds in NDP at 1930H. Ambush was 100 meters from mortar position. Fired on mortar position and are checking area now. All rds were outside perimeter.

4/29/68 20:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BT173100 at 2020H, rec’d several HG’s in perimeter with NCD.

4/30/68 10:00:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT152113 & BT152117 at 0920H, rec’d 6 rds of SA fire, returned fire, res: 1 VC KIA, no ID, no web gear or wpn.

4/30/68 15:22:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT161073 at 1522H, rec’d 3 rds of sniper fire, calling arty at this time, 1600H, negative results.

4/30/68 19:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BT165073 at 1930H, report 30 rds 82mm mortar fire, under ground attack. At 1950H, 7 WHA (E), SA continuing. At 1945H mortar ceased. 4 WHA (E), 4 WHA (M). At 1945H, ground fire ceased. Dustoff completed for 4 evacs at 2000H.

5/01/68 01:50:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT165074 at 0135H rec’d in coming 82mm mortars and SA fire. Receiving some AW fire (MG) from about 800 meters. 0152H incoming fire stopped, gunship scrambled enrooted at this time. 0217H guns on station. 0225H rec’d 10 rds total. 0228H 1 WHA (M). 0235H guns left station.

5/01/68 12:21:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT160072 at 1159H obs’d 3 VC, eng’d. Res: 1 VC KIA, 1 x AK-47 CIA #

5/01/68 14:20:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT154075 at 1345H while Searching hut, 1 MAM ran out the back door, did not stop, eng’d. Res: 1 VC KIA

5/01/68 17:30:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT149073 at 1455H loc 5 x US 2.4” rkts near a hut, 3 woman in hut, 1 was Detained, dest rkts in place

5/02/68 14:00:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT163074 at 1333H found 1 x MGSS 36 bolt action rifle, found in bushes, believed to have been there 2 days. #1960 will be evac

5/02/68 17:15:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT163074 at 1333H Ref Journal #25 – correction of wpn: #F5141

5/04/68 17:00:00

198th C-1-46 – PZ 1655 LZ Cold, 1st lift LZ 1703, 2nd lift PZ 1700 – PZ Hot – LZ 1720H LZ cold. D-1-6 1st lift complete 1810 LZ Cold. Complete 1840 LZ Cold. A-1-52 and C-1-46 will logger together tonight at Hill 187

5/05/68 08:30:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT131203 at 0750H unit found the following equip: 19 x Chicom HG’s, 1 x B40 rkt rd, 2 x VN ponchos, 1 x first aid pack, 1 x notebook w/list of names and assigned wpns. ammo will be dest, rest evac

5/07/68 00:45:00

198th, D-1-6 vic BT131229 at 0010-0035H report secondary exp at BT131229 was caused by organic 81mm fire at that coord.

5/08/68 12:00:00

Air Movements: One plat of D-1-6 was moved fm OP East (BT131203) to OP West (AT990250) closing 0800H.

5/12/68 10:05:00

198th, S3 – vic BT041236 Tell BG Y9oung D-1-6 CA fm West into LZ – BT041236 by slicks. Check to 042227 – 035219 – 045215. Looking for mort firing pos. CG said to hold CA at this time due to air priority at Kham Duc

5/12/68 13:25:00

198th, C-1-52 – C-1-52 complete movement from LZ Bowman to LZ East and West at 1250H. D-1-6 has 3 more lifts for completion of move from East to Center

5/12/68 19:50:00

198th, D-1-6, BT072235 at 1515H spotted 4 VC at BT072235. Called Ary. Res: 2 VC KIA

5/13/68 18:09:00

198th, A, D-1-6, BT059241 at 1800H in contact. Receiving SA and mort fire. Air strike called on BT053245. 1822H: 2 WHA fm air strike. Still receiving mort fire. Air strike recd cal .50 fire fm BT094243, 078228. Neg hits. Contact broken 1830H. Res: 3 WHA(evac), 2 WHA(minor – fm air strike), 1 NVA KIA.

5/14/68 15:03:00

D-1-6 recd AW fire fm BT056226, 1510

5/14/68 15:10:00

D-1-6 reported 1 WHA evac.

5/14/68 15:13:00

D-1-6 reported another WHA.

5/14/68 15:25:00

D-1-6 recd RR fire or RPG fm BT056226, 200 meters fm their loc.

5/14/68 15:39:00

D-1-6 reported 4 WHA (m) fm mtr fire.

5/14/68 15:39:00

D-1-6 reported 2 WHA fm mtr fire.

5/14/68 16:54:00

D-1-6 reported 13 NCA KIA. CIA 2 AK-47 2 M-16, 1 RPD LMG, 1 RPG-2. Total NVA KIA 19. D-1-6 had 3 WHA evac, 2 WHA minor.

5/14/68 21:55:00

196th, A and D-1-6, A and B-1-20, BT058223 at 1850H recd 9 mtr – 82mm rds. 2 or 3 inside perimeter. Came on an azimuth of 245’ at a range of 4000 meters. Called Arty w/unk res.

5/14/68 22:00:00

196th, A and D-1-6, BT058223 at 1830H recd light sniper fire fm 200 meters. E. Did not return fire. Res: 1 WHA (evac).

5/15/68 01:25:00

196th, D-1-6 vic BT042222 at 0116H rec’d 9 rds 82mm mortar – landed 150 meters W of their pos. NCD. Called arty on suspected mort pos

5/15/68 11:30:00

196th, A&D-1-6, vic BT070225 at 140830 in area of contact yesterday FD 1 x AK-47 Sn #11078-450, 1xM-79 Sn#99281, 2xChicom Bayonets, 32rds 60mm mortar ammo, 3xboxes of 60mm Mtr fusezes 0rdx12.7mm ammo, 4xM-16 rifles Sn#’s 876705/910284/899062/874748, 2xM-16 barrels w/remainder destroyed. Mortar Fd yesterday Sn# 008849 tube sight Sn# 01027

5/15/68 16:20:00

196th, D-1-6 vic BT068225 at 1515H Obsd 50 Cal firing at a air strike

5/15/68 16:20:00

196th, A-1-20, D-1-6 vic BT072224 at 1615H receiving mortar fire at this time

5/15/68 18:35:00

(Delayed) 198th, D-1-6, BT051214 at 1715H recd 1 60mm rd. Calling Arty. NCD.

5/16/68 09:25:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT079238 at 0825 recd 15 to 20 rds 81/82mm Mtr neg cas neg damage Obsd mortar position at BT079238, firing counter mortar fire 0915 recd 2 more rds 2 WHA (M)

5/16/68 10:40:00

196th , A & D-1-6/B-1-20 vic BT038216 at 0942- 1011H )942: Helix was marking wpns pos for A/C

5/16/68 11:18:00

196th A-1-20; A-1-6; D-1-6 at 1030H A-1-20 BT065226 recd 1xRd 81/82mm neg Caz or Dam A-1-6, BT065226 recd 3x81/82mm rds NCD 1040 D-1-6 BT0652 recd 4x81/82mm rds from the north, firing counter mortar at this time, Res: D-1-6 2 WHA, A-1-20 4 WHA total 6 WHA 5 minor 1 evac (CHANGED TO 1 WHA(E), 2 WHA(M).

5/16/68 13:05:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT065226 at 1219H recd 4 Mtr rd NCD 1221, D-1-6 recd 2 more Mtr rd NCD 1224, A-1-20 recd Mtr Rds, res 1 WHA (E)

5/16/68 17:35:00

196 D-1-6 vic BT065226 at 1723 recd 4 rds Mort res: 6 US WHA (E) fired mort at Dustoff ALFT, Neg hits Calling Arty. Changed to 3 WHA(E), 3WHA(M)

5/16/68 18:06:00

196 D-1-6 vic BT065226 at 1748H recd 1 Mrt Rd NCD

5/18/68 08:45:00

196 D-1-6, 1st lift 0829, 2d lift 0831, 3d lift 0833, 4 & 5th lift 0836, 6th lift 0847 move completed 0847

5/18/68 14:19:00

196 D-1-6 vic BT065225 at 1140H hit BT 81mm mtr rd – trip wire on trail Res: 4 WHA (E) BT on old trail, file formation, 5m apart, flak jackets – no prior warning, no marking, no villagers in area

5/18/68 17:05:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT075225 at 1530H fd in a destroyed bunker RPD MG Sn#245595 3xdrums of RPG ammo, 7xChicom HG. Some web gear & medical supplies, 400 7.62mm Ammo

5/18/68 21:14:00

196th, D-1-6, BT074224 at 1959 fd 1 NVA KBA badly burned. No clotes, no wpns, no web gear.

5/19/68 11:01:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT069225 at 0815H Fd a 50 Cal position. “donut” shape, w/hump in middle, fd many small bunkers around position

5/19/68 11:38:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT069225 at 0815H Ref Journal #17 Found a big bnkr 20 ft x 30 ft destroyed by air strike. They were alot of 50 Cal casings around area. an EOD team has been requested.

5/19/68 14:54:00

196th D-1-6 vic BT086234 at 1408H a box car air craft enroute to pick up downed ship recd fire from five different locations fic BT086234. also repair air craft, recd fire from same location. Some hits recd. D-1-6 fired mtrs at suspected en location

5/19/68 15:47:00

Reference entry #26 196th vic BT098246 at 1131H Gunship rcd AW fire, 1 acft was hit and had to make a force landing, at D-1-6 location vic BT075226 neg cas, crew was extracted

5/23/68 18:20:00

196th Gunships D-1-6 vic BT0719 at 1100H recd SA fire, crew chief hit in cheek & pilot hit in foot. Ships down w/minor damage. Ship went to 2d surg hosp to drop off WHA. 14th Avn sending another gunship

5/29/68 06:45:00

196th D-1-6 vic FSB Center at 0630H two explosive type rds believed RR inside perimeter, NCD

5/29/68 07:45:00

Recd 1xRR rd 30 meters from the TOC NCD

5/29/68 13:00:00

196th D-1-6 Center to Bowman, 1st Lift PZ 1036 LZ 1055H, 2d lift PZ 1144 LZ 1159H, 3d lift PZ 1147 LZ 1200 complete 1200H

5/30/68 14:00:00

198th D-1-6 vic BT241115 at 1310H loc small cave threw CS HG in and then entered cave, fd 1xAK-47 w/folding stock SN#BT4918

5/31/68 11:00:00

198th D-1-6 vic BT225085 at 1052H detained 2 VCS 1x 16 yr old wearing khaki shirt and black shorts, 1x17 yr old wearing black PJ’s

5/31/68 11:52:00

198th D-1-6 vic BT225085 Has captured 1 NVA who is dressed in green uniform & had medical supplies. He was carrying a khaki uniform 2xchicom HG.

5/31/68 13:20:00

prisoner is a medic from 2d plat, 3rd Co, 74th VC MF Bn, He says there are 36 in his plat all armed w/AK-47’s. about 2 months ago they were 70% NVA.

5/31/68 16:45:00

(Delayed) 198th, D-1-6, BT210097 at 1640H recd SA fire, calling arty. 1525H: Contact continues. 3 WHA(e). Called gunship, C-1-6 several hundred meters fm D-1-6. 1750H: 2 more WHA(e). 1807: Gunship recd AA fire, do not as yet know extent of dam. Tail rotar dam.

5/31/68 18:28:00

198th D-1-6 was moving and came to a rice paddy and turned right to get a night laager when they recd SA fm 300m, cutting up the lead element. D and C moving together to link up. Arty will go on BT210097. Contact broken at 1820H. D is 800m fm the contact area. 1920H: Res: 1 KHA, 7 WHA(e), 2 combat fatigues.

5/31/68 18:58:00

196th, C-1-52, BT058370 at 1821H recd 30 rds AW fire fm 350m NE. Retd fire w/SA; firing stopped. Neg cas or res. 75 1950 198th, D-1-6, BT210090, at 1946H recd aprox 2000 rds AK-47 while moving to NDP.

5/31/68 19:50:00

198th, D-1-6, BT210090, at 1946H recd aprox 2000 rds AK-47 while moving to NDP. At 1950H recd 10 HG. NCD. Called for gunships at 2000. 2115H: gunships have expended all ordnance and have been released. Will call arty.

5/31/68 23:00:00

198th, NVA PW (D-1-6), BT225085, PW cptd 1220H. Ref Journal entry #36. “Readout”- PW left his plat 2 days ago. His plat has not een w/his Co for 1 month. He believes his platoon is loc vic BT238086, nearly all have malaria. They have plenty of food. The plat always returns to the same vic. His unit infiltrated fm NVN through LAOS, starting in June 1967 and completing the move 4 months later. Infiltration was by Co size elements. PW is a medic fm the 2nd Plat, 3rd Co, 74th NVA Bn. (Ref Entry #36)

5/31/68 23:55:00

198th, D-1-6, BT210097 at 1946H rpt 6 WHA(m) (Ref Journal entry #75) One w/sprained ankle - will be evac. All res fm HG. Total of 7 WHA (m).

6/01/68 07:10:00

198th D-1-6 vicinity BT21088 at 0710 hours observed 20 NVA moving toward D-1-6 location. Called in artillery 0830. Received report NVA had stopped moving and started digging in approximately 400 meters from D-1-6 location. Unit will put air strike in area.

6/01/68 10:53:00

198th D-1-6 vicinity BT206099 at 1045 hours received 1x 60 mm round outsider of perimeter. Negative casualty or damage. They think mortar round came from above location.

6/03/68 18:30:00

198th, C-1-6, BT210100 at 1724H have 2 men missing. D-1-6 is searching area for them at this time. C-1-6 also looking for these men. 1855: sending ptl to where men were last seen at dust off PZ fm mtr atk. Helo up looking for them. Fd men at LZ. Eng 4 VC in open. Ptl (3rd plt D-1-6) returning to NDP.

6/08/68 10:29:00

DELAYED 198th TOC, A&E 1-46 1st PZ – 0925 LZ – 0937 2nd PZ – 0945 LZ -- 0955 3rd PZ -- 1105 LZ 1148 4th PZ -- 1128 LZ – 1215 5th PZ – 1207 LZ – 1215, (complete for pers) D-1-6 1st LZ 0944 Hill 69 2nd LZ 1215, Complete Rcn-1-6 1st PZ 1215 LZ 1225, Complete 1225 E-1-6 1st PZ 1314 LZ 1330, Complete C-1-5 complete 1543H. B-1-6: 2 lifts in as of 1515H A-1-6: completed move to Hill 54 at 1445H

6/18/68 16:15:00

198th , D-1-6, move fm BT393074 to BT428050. 1st PZ 1330H. LZ 1408H. Complete 1408H.

7/04/68 06:45:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT442042 at 0631H, hit booby trap, believed to be M26 HG, res: 2 WHA, 1 urgent (evac).

7/07/68 03:53:00

198th, D/1/6, BT435051 at 0320H, eng’d 2 VC with SAF. VC fled to NW. Firing arty at BT427053 now

7/12/68 02:15:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT434056 at 0135H, reported a spear being thrown into their NDP with neg results.

7/12/68 16:10:00

198th, D/1/6, vic BT436045 at 1550H, unit in contact, receiving SA fire, firing mortars on uspected position from Hill 76. 1615H, contact broken, neg casualties, checking area at this time.

7/12/68 19:37:00

198th, D/1/6, BT442050 at 1745H, rec’d 15-20 rds SA from 200 meters NW. Called arty and mortars.

7/29/68 22:05:00

198th, D/1/6, BT378174 at 2105H, obs 10 rds mortar land 1000m SW of above coord. Also saw 2 white star clusters at BT365178. Also SA and AW fire. The rds that landed were too far away to determine size or type.

8/05/68 08:00:00

198th, D/1/6, PZ Hill 76 to LZ Bayonet. Left PZ at 0710H, arrived at LZ at 0750H, completed.

8/18/68 14:35:00

196th, D/1/6, vic BT509023 at 1300H, found 1x2.75 rocket warhead, 1 rifle grenade, and 2 lbs of Composition 34 explosive

9/01/68 15:25:00

198th, D/1/6, BS459990 at 1520H, in contact w/unk size enemy force. Found 2 enemy bunkers and trench line, in hvy contact, res: 1 KHA, 1 WHA (E). 2d Platoon ran into bunker complex w/unk size enemy force and unk number bunkers. The only way into bunker complex is a trail and the trail is covered by a bunker. Terrain too thick to go in any other way. WHA died, res: 2 KHA. Broke contact at 1730H.

9/02/68 11:50:00

198th, C-D/1/6, BS465987 at 1115H, air strike damaged enemy bunkers and 2 spider holes. These air strikes are being put in area where they were in contact yesterday.

9/02/68 12:05:00

198th, D/1/6, BS452989 at 1800H. Delayed. Obs 6 NVA evading W, CC eng’d with M-60, called arty, neg results.

9/02/68 14:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BS457988 at 1250H, D/1/6 moved into area where they found one .50 cal position, some bunkers hvy damage, also obs 2 NVA in uniform evading SE. Sent squad after them, also passed to 1/52 to set up blocking position. CC/1/6 made low VR mission over area and did not receive any fire. Unit thinks enemy moved out of area. C/1/6 is moving up hill to link up with D/1/6.

9/02/68 15:35:00

198th, D/1/6, BS458988 at 1500H, found 2 water cans, 1 box .50 cal ammo, poncho, 1 diary, 1 picture of Ho Chi Minh, evac to LZ Bayonet.

9/02/68 15:35:00

198th, D/1/6, BS457987 at 1515H, found 1 NVA in a grave, res: 1 MBA, 1-2 days old.

9/02/68 16:55:00

198th, C-D/1/6, BS460995 at 1625H, located 2 foxholes, 2 bunkers, 8 fighting holes, 1x.50 cal position, and 1 trenchline 5’-6’ long x 3’-4’ deep

9/03/68 11:31:00

198th, D/1/6, BS459998 at 1110H, found 1 large bunker complex, eng’d 2 VN evading to E w/neg results. Found 1 NVA KBA in bunker from air strike, found some mass graves, digging up graves at this time. Turned out to be just air strike area and not graves.

9/03/68 17:56:00

198th, D/1/6, BS455988 at 1630H, located an additional 4 more NVA KIA. All had brown uniforms. Found unmarked US map covering An Tan Bridge area and Rocket Valley. All 4 bodies had Napalm burns. Also found 1 US machete.

9/04/68 11:57:00

198th, D/1/6, BS549999 at 1105H, found 1 AK-47, SN 10054262, and 1 pair of binoculars.

9/08/68 16:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BS468974 at 1600H, found 5 VC KBA, 2 weeks old. 1 carbine, 5 packs, 3 NVA knives. Bodies on top of ground, 1 body had 2 bullet holes in skull

9/10/68 02:15:00

198th, D/1/6, BS440045 at 0120H, at night laager, had a trip flare go off, eng’d w/SA and HG, res: 1 WHA (E), 1 WHA (M).

9/10/68 19:00:00

198th, C/5/46, air move from LZ Bowman to BT219134, PZ 1643H, LZ 1740H, complete. D/1/6 air move, from LZ Bayonet to Hill 76, complete at 1741H. D/1/6, air move, from Hill 76 to Hill 69, complete at 1745H.

9/11/68 16:00:00

198th, D/1/6, move to Hill 76 complete at 1505H.

9/13/68 18:45:00

198th, D/1/6, air move, from BS459820 to Hill 69, PZ 1655H, LZ 1723H

9/15/68 18:32:00

198th, D/1/6, PZ 1700H LZ Hill 76 at 1709H.

9/15/68 23:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BT445025 at 2247H, obs movement, fired mortar w/neg results.

9/22/68 11:25:00

198th, D/1/6, BT443074 at 1030H, found a mortar site and med supplies. Also found blood trails leading W from mortar sites. Tracked dog will check blood trails.

9/22/68 16:07:00

198th, D/1/6, BT434024 at 1415H, detonated BT HG, 4 WHA (E).

9/23/68 18:40:00

198th, D/1/6, BT432023, later report: found 1 bunker and 1 hut, with 1 surgical mask, bloody bandages, 3 NVA belt buckles, 1 raincoat, 5 M-79 rds, 1 canteen cup, 3 death markers.

9/25/68 13:35:00

198th, 1 platoon D/1/6, from Hill 69 to Hill 77, PZ 1300H, LZ 1355H.

9/26/68 18:20:00

198th, D/1/6, air move, from BT442031 to BS431984, PZ 1500H, LZ 1715H, complete.

9/29/68 02:16:00

198th, D/1/6, BS431984 at 0205H, OP spotted 1 VC, eng’d, VC ret’d fire, res: 1 WHA. At 0353H, man died of wounds. OP was 50-75 meters from main body of the Co. Dustoff not called, man would have died before Dustoff arrived. OP being reinforced and relocated.

10/06/68 09:09:00

198th, TOC, air move of 3D/1/6, from Hill 69 to 448085.0825H, LZ 0850H, complete

10/06/68 12:40:00

198th, TOC, air move 3D/1/6, from BS431985 to An Tan, PZ 1051H, LZ 1130H, complete

10/07/68 19:52:00

198th, D/1/6, BT401002 at 1825H, 4th Platoon D Co called arty on 2 VC, neg results

10/08/68 01:40:00

198th, D/1/6, BS418998 at 0120H, bunker line heard noises (sounded like boxes bumping together) approx 200 meters from perimeter, called arty.

10/17/68 07:45:00

198th, D/1/6, BT457044 at 0020H, obs trip flare going off at above coord, unit fired 81mm fire on location. Checked area at first light, found 1 VCS w/shrapnel wounds, no wpn or equip, evac to 2d Surg. Passed to IPW, LT Love.

10/19/68 10:30:00

198th, D/1/6, BS445027 at 1030H, air move, from above coord to LZ Bayonet, PZ 0840H, LZ 0931H, complete.

10/20/68 18:50:00

198th, D/1/6, BS435052 at 1840H, eng’d 2 VC, res: 1 VC WIA/CIA, 1 AK-47 CIA.

10/20/68 20:55:00

198th, D/1/6, BT435052 at 1840H, follow-up on earlier report: 1 VC WIA/CIA. Captured AK-47, SN 10115295, VC had pistol belt, 1 Chicom grenade, 3 homemade grenades, 3 AK-47 mags, 1 canteen cup, bandages, and a cleaning kit.

10/21/68 13:40:00

DTOC, CPT Wolfe, IPW, BS435052 at 1840H, ref journal entry #50, 201840H Oct. The VC was dead on arrival at hospital. 198th notified and will pick up 1 VC KIA on their Intsum tonight, res: 1 VC KIA D/1/6.

10/27/68 19:15:00

198th, D/1/6, BT450066 at 1840H, detonated mine, 3 WHA (E).

10/27/68 22:00:00

(delayed entry from 27 Oct) 198th, D/1/6, ref journal entry # 94, 27 Oct, change to read: 1 KHA, 2 WHA (E).

10/30/68 18:40:00

198th, 2 platoon D/1/6 air moved from Hill 69 to BT449058 at 1715H, complete at 1737H.

10/30/68 23:59:00

2400 Opns Summary: 1 plat D/1/6 air moved from Hill 69 to vic BT449058 at 1737H.

10/31/68 09:00:00

198th, D/1/6, BT458034 at 0140H, detained 1 MAM w/ID. Detained because of MAM.

11/04/68 09:50:00

198th Inf, D/1/6, unscheduled move, air move D1/1/6, from PZ An Tan Bridge to 443054, PZ 0906H, LZ 0917, complete. Air move, D3/1/6 from 443054 to An Tan Bridge, PZ 0815H, LZ 0906, complete.

11/06/68 03:50:00

198th, D/1/6, BS418998 at 0330H, trip flare went off. Called arty w/unk results.

11/07/68 07:20:00

198th, D/1/6, BT432055 at 0650H, scout dog hit mine, res: 2 WHA (E), 1 scout dog KHA. Mine was homemade C-ration accessory pack filled w/explosive, attached to a trip wire.

11/17/68 03:05:00

198th, D/1/6, Hill 54, BT396145 at 0239H, rec’d mortar fire and B-40 rockets. 1 APC hit, rec’d ground attack w/AW fire. request gunships and flare ship. 5 VC (P), 17 WHA. Being hit from east. 1/82d: 2 generators destroyed, mess hall hit, also storage room. 155mm Howitzer hit but still operational. 3 WHA (E). 3/18: 175mm w/satchel charge on recoil. One 8” w/HG under piece. 3 WHA (E). Quad-50 destroyed.

11/17/68 11:20:00

198 TOC, BS396145 at 0239H, ref journal entry #11. D/1/6, change to read 10 VC KIA, 4 VCS CIA, 17 WHA (E), 6 WHA from 82nd Arty, 3 WHA from 18th Arty, 2 WHA from G/55 Arty, 6 WHA from D/1/6.

11/19/68 19:30:00

198th, air move completions: D/1/6, from Hill 54 to Hill 270 complete at 1733H. From Hill 54 to LZ Fat City, complete at 1710H. B/1/6, from BS445029 to BS459010, complete at 1650H.

11/21/68 07:37:00

198th, D/1/6, BT431054 at 0645H, D12 hit unk type mine while returning from ambush site, 2 WHA (E), Dustoff on station.

11/21/68 11:00:00

198th, D/1/6, BT439050 at 0900H, detained 10 VN, near a VC marker bamboo stick with C-ration top pointing in direction of D Co NDP. Evac to LZ Bayonet.

11/25/68 06:37:00

198th Bde, 1D/1/6, BT430037 at 250612H at 250612H, 1st plat D Co, spotted rocket flashes at BT430037. Hills 76 and Hill 270 firing mortars at this time. 1st plat D Co moving to enemy location, request tracker team 0715H for use. Tracker team will be on LRRP Pad at 0715H.

11/25/68 09:58:00

198th, CC/1/6, BT431037 at 0745H, CC flying over area spotted rocket site, used this morning. D/1/6 moved into area and found site where 3 rockets had been fired from, also found 1x122mm rocket complete in firing position. EOD team and photographers on the way to rocket site at this time. CPT Quenoes notified of msg, ref CC on ext ammo. Notified S/S, G-3, G-2. SP/4 Johnson C/S.

11/25/68 06:10:00

CLDC opns at 0610H. MAG-13 subsector 6 of CLDC rec’d 3 unk size or type rds. Entire CLDC going to Yellow alert by LT Gans. 0615H, all Bde’s notified except 198th LIB. 0625H, Support Cmd reports 100% alert. 0625H, CLDC returns to Gray alert, LTC Foster. 0625H, 198th LIB informed of CLDC incoming by secure radio. 1st plat D/1/6 obs rocket flashes vic BT430037. Hill 76 and Hill 270 fired counter mortars. 1st plat D Co moving to location at this time and request tracker team. Tracker team will be on LRRP Pad at 0715H. 0625H, all Bde’s notified of condition Gray for CLDC. 0625H, LTC Foster reported 1 explosion observed vic BT528058. 0701H, 1 rd impacted vic BT520054 and 1 vic BT532057, may be 140mm. 0858H, LTC Foster, 1x122mm rd impacted at BT532057, still checking to confirm where other 2 rds landed.

11/25/68 20:37:00

198th Bde, D/1/6, BT445054 at 1300H, detained 29 VCS in village, tracker team led from rocket site into village.

11/28/68 15:45:00

198th, D/1/6, BT298076, 292082, 288084 at 1445H, obs 15 enemy, some carrying wpns and ruck sacks moving NW.

12/05/68 16:00:00

198th Bde, D/1/6, BT436038 at 1445H, found 2 bunkers and hut on top of tunnel. Found few rds of AK and M-16, BAR and M-16 mags, found VN documents. Sighted a complex, the area had rec’d use, also found small amounts or rice & tea in area, 2 US water cans

12/18/68 04:40:00

198th, D/1/6, BT437054 at0230H, obs 8 mortar rds landing in that vicinity, could not locate mortar position. Impact area was 400 meters NW from their location.

12/18/68 04:45:00

198th, D/1/6, CAP 127m request 1 tracker team for 0615H 18 Dec, to be on LRRP Pad for pickup, to be used for locating of mortar sites. Called Tracker Dog Team, LT Obermeyer, will go himself with 3 of his men. Notified SGT Stove 198th, check times, no. of people. Notified LT Obermeyer that times and people were sent to 198th.

12/19/68 15:50:00

198th, D/1/6, BT439047 at 1430H, heard an explosion, searched area and detained 1 MAM, evac to LZ Bayonet. PFC Hamilton, IPW, notified.

12/20/68 04:20:00

198th, D/1/6, BT433042 at 0157H, D3 plat, 2 trip flares went off 150 meters from perimeter, 2 HG’s went off inside perimeter. No sighting of enemy, but est 2 VC. Ret’d fire at suspected locations, fired mortar H&I, NCD, res: unk.

12/27/68 20:13:00

198th, D/1/6, BT449063 at 1925H, detonated BT HG, res: 3 WHA (E), Dustoff complete 271954H. Posted Sit Map.

12/28/68 11:50:00

198th, 1/6 air moves, D/1/6, PZ Hill 270, PZ 280716H, LZ Hill 69, LZ 280930H.

12/28/68 14:30:00

198th, 1/6 air moves complete. D/1/6, PZ Hill 270 280905H, LZ LZ Chippewa 280938H.

1/05/69 16:26:00

198th Bde, D/1/6, BS509967 at 1550H, 1 US tripped a Chicom H/G rigged as a B/T, res: 1 WHA (E). Dusted off at 1558H, comp at 1603H.

1/06/69 10:49:00

198th Bde, D/1/6, BS516960 at 1020H, detained 1 MAM, neg ID, will be evac to LZ Bayonet.

1/07/69 23:37:00

(delayed entry) 18th Bde, D/1/6, An Tan Bridge, at 2247H, rec’d 1x60mm mort rd w/neg cas and light damage to temporary bridge. Bridge still passable.

1/10/69 10:50:00

198th Bde, air move comp, D1/1/6, PZ LZ Fat City, LZ BS514976, PZ 0952H, LZ 1010H. D3/1/6, PZ BS514976, LZ at LZ Fat City, PZ 1000H, LZ 1007H.

1/16/69 12:01:00

198th Bde TOC, S - 3, 160819H - 161050H, air move s. D/1/6: PZ at LZ Fat City 0819H, LZ 536953 at 0930H.

1/16/69 18:15:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS521959 at 1800H, detained 3 MAM, had some sort of ID’s, will evac to LZ Bayonet.

1/16/69 23:59:00

3D/1/6 air moved fm LZ Fat City to an LZ vic BS536935 at 0930H.

1/18/69 10:25:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS527939 at 171800H (delayed), detained 6 VCS. In same area found some papers and small homemade explosives and blasting caps. Blasting caps taken to 1/6 TOC to determine if blasting caps were Chicom or US. Detainees and papers taken to LZ Bayonet. Notified IPW, SP/4 Hamilton

1/18/69 18:35:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS527939, en: BS530932 at 1735H, rec’d sniper fire, ret’d fire, found baby shot in chest, D/O CC/1/6 at 1747H, fired arty w/neg results.

1/20/69 13:10:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS529944, BS543952 at 0930H, evac 10 detainees to LZ Bayonet, also 1400 lbs of rice.

1/21/69 13:10:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS515945 & BS534940 at 1015H. 1) Evac 1 VN civ (female) to LZ Bayonet. 2) 211030H, evac 1 VN civ to LZ Bayonet.

1/22/69 08:58:00

TFC, TOC, air move comp, 1 plt D/1/6, PZ BS5289 at 0825H, LZ BS5094 at 0840H.

1/22/69 10:10:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS545965 at 0955H, found 10,000 lbs polished rice, will evac to CHIC.

1/22/69 12:30:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS525986 at 1155H, evac 3 detainees (male), 1 had bad ID card, evac to LZ Bayonet.

1/22/69 14:58:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS499220, en: BS509943 at 1407H. 1) In contact w/unk size en force, have 5 WHA (E). 2) Rec’d AW fire and RPG’s, Dustoff on station 221420H, Dustoff comp at 1442H. G/S on station 1429H, Helix in station at 1420H. Request immediate A/S, contact broken at 1630H. Unit will CA into area 23 Jan 69

1/22/69 23:00:00

TF Cooksey, D/1/6, BS498940, en: BS497940 at 2235H, rec’d unk number of H/G’s, NCD. Protective arty fired.

1/23/69 12:20:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS547966 at 1114H, detained 1 female, will evac to LZ Bayonet .

1/24/69 17:25:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS506938 at 1535H, found 4 sleeping huts w/overhead cover, 2 lbs salt, 400 lbs of rice, 9 sleeping mats, fresh signs of activity.

1/25/69 14:25:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS502934, en: BS515924 at 1300H, obs smoke at en loc, sent utility helicopter to check out, obs 1 VC sitting by fire, VC evaded into what is believed to be a tunnel. Fired arty, unk res.

1/27/69 17:50:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS559978 at 1715H, detained 2 males. Found documents that were thought to be hand receipts for rice. After search of area, found 1,000 lbs of rice and blueprint of bridge. Will evac docs, blueprint, and rice to Bde. Also found 400 P’s on the two males and a VC flag. Notified IPW, SP Powers.

1/29/69 19:15:00

TF Cooksey, D/1/6, BS482939 at 1700H, found 3 tunnels and fresh trails leading to tunnels. In same area there are bunkers.

2/01/69 13:59:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS534932 at 1212H, heard explosion, call arty at above grid. Upon checking area, they found 1 VN child who had been killed by pressure type mine. Will remain in area to make further check

2/02/69 16:10:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS548966 at 1530H, detained 2 females, only one had ID card, but it looks altered. One of the females was selling med supplies to the other. The med supplies consisted of band aids , pills, forceps, penicillin, morphine, med tape, and cotton. The other female was going to buy the med supplies for 5,200 P’s. Evac to LZ Bayonet. Notified MAJ Kershaw.

2/07/69 15:52:00

TFC, D/1/6, BT540955 at 0910H, detained 2 MAM, evac to LZ Bayonet.

2/07/69 20:40:00

TFC, D/1/6, BS541975 at 0745H, obs 2 VC males w/carbines and 1 VC female, eng’d VC, res: 1 female WIA, VC ret’d fire, evaded west w/WIA. D/1/6 requested tracker dog team, followed blood trails w/dog and found 1 female KIA, res: 1 VC KIA.

2/11/69 15:40:00

198th Bde, D/1/6, BS555960 at 1345H, evac 6 detainees for questioning to LZ Bayonet.

2/19/69 16:06:00

198th Bde, SGT Stover, air move comp, D/1/6, fm LZ Fat City at 1440H to LZ East at 1600H.

2/19/69 18:05:00

198th Bde, SGT Holley, CA’s comp, cold LZ, D/1/6 fm LZ East at 1500H to LZ BT169192 at 1649H.

2/19/69 14:00:00

198th Bde, MAJ Borg, DMC, LTC Lawrence to MAJ Craver. 3) Prepare to move above 1430H plus Hook D/5/46 Inf from LZ Minuteman to LZ East and D/1/6 Inf from LZ Fat City to LZ East.

2/20/69 12:50:00

198th Bde, SGT Stover, D/1/6 OPCON 1/52 Inf, BT179184 at 1040H, rec’d AWF, called arty, neg friendly cas.

2/20/69 15:50:00

198th Bde, SP Eisenbarth, D/1/6, BT180180 at 1502H, in contact w/UNSEF, res: 2 NVA KIA, wearing green uniforms, enemy broke contact at 201525H.

2/26/69 05:05:00

198th Bde, SP Stoia, D/1/6, LZ Fat City at 0347H, LZ Fat City rec’d 30 rds mixed mortar, 60mm/82mm, res: 4 WHA (E) & 3 WHA (M)

2/26/69 08:20:00

198th Bde, SP Ball, D/1/6, BT444090 at 0645H, while sweeping through area, detained 1 MAM, neg ID, will evac to LZ Bayonet.

2/26/69 09:40:00

198th Bde, SGT Stover, D/1/6, BT444090 at 0910H, evac 3 MAM for questioning to LZ Bayonet.

2/28/69 18:20:00

198th Bde, PFC Holden, D/1/6, BT392099 at 1658H, found B/T 105mm rd, destroyed.

3/03/69 09:30:00

198th Bde, SGT Holley, D/1/6, BT416083 at 022045H Mar 69 (delayed), obs UNSEF, called arty, res: 4 VC KIA. 1 VC had ID w/picture, but w/o name.

3/03/69 23:50:00

198th Bde, SP Eisenbarth, D/1/6, BT434018 at 2135H, rec’d 1 H/G, res: NCD.

3/04/69 08:50:00

198th Bde, SP Fults, D/1/6, BT435105 at 0740H, obs several MAM’s, 1 MAM evaded, eng’d, res: 1 MAM WIA & detained, evac to 312 Evac. Other MAM ’s evac to LZ Bayonet for questioning.

3/04/69 19:25:00

198th Bde, DP Rothermel, D/1/6, BT423094 at 1910H, evac 1 detainee for questioning to LZ Bayonet, neg wpn or ID.

3/04/69 20:50:00

198th Bde, SP Rothermel, D/1/6, BT445074 at 2012H, while moving to ambush site, tripped B/T, res: 4 WHA (E), D/O comp at 2033H.

3/04/69 22:40:00

198th Bde, SGT Edmunson, D/1/6, BT423098 at 2100H, obs 6 VC thru Starlight scope, VC had steel helmets & flak jackets, eng’d at 200m across river, checked area w/neg res. Will check again in the morning. Identification as VC based on coordination w/ARVN’s which verified neg friendlies in area.

3/06/69 22:47:00

198th Bde, D/1/6 Inf, PFC Asbill, BT429101 at 2245H, 2d and 3d Plats in contact w/UNSEF, 1 WHA (E) w/head wound. Contact broken at 062250H

3/07/69 00:45:00

198th Bde, SGT Edmundson, D/1/6, BT431103 at 062225H, rec’d AWF & 1 H/G, res: 1 WHA (E) and 1 RD WHA (M).

3/19/69 10:50:00

198th Bde, SGT Holley, LZ Fat City, D/1/6 Inf, LZ Fat City at 1004H, rec’d 4x122mm rkts, landed outside wire on SE end. Believed to have come from NW. E Co mort personnel heard rds go over their heads. Crater analysis proved they are 122mm rkts. Came from azimuth of 5350 mils. Believed to have come fm grid BT3512, fired arty w/unk res at this time, NCD.

3/21/69 06:00:00

198th Bde, SP Ball, D/1/6, BS426091, (en) BS428091 at 0300H, unit heard mort rds firing 400m away, moved to loc, eng’d est 7 VC, res: 2 VC KIA, remainder of VC evaded N, CIA 2 AK - 47’s & 1 ruck sack (contents unk). Mort illum fired. 2 VC returned to recover bodies, eng’d w/unk res. 1 VC KIA is missing & found numerous blood trails, res: 3 VC KIA (the body that was carried away is not a confirmed kill) and 2 AK - 47’s CIA, SN’s 2021005 & 11068402

3/27/69 07:15:00

198th Bde, SP Eisenbarth, D/1/6, BT360108 at 262300H Mar 69 (delayed), ambush heard movement and fired Claymores, checked area at first light, res: 1 VC KIA, 9 Chicom H/G’s and 1 M26 H/G CIA, destroyed

3/29/69 02:45:00

198th Bde, SP Asbill, D/1/6, BT404108 at 0045H, 2d plat rec’d H/G, SAF, AWF fm est 10 - 15 VC to the NE, ret’d fire, res: 1 WIA (M) (Plat SGT)

3/30/69 20:47:00

198th Bde, SP Ball, . D/1/6 Inf, 301918H, BT360108, en: BT364102, 3d Plat after departing day laager pos, saw 12 rds 60mm mort hit this pos, NCS, ret’d fire w/arty and mort, res: unk

3/31/69 20:45:00

198th Bde, SGT Fults, OZ request No. 44, dtg: (no info), purpose: combat opns by D/1/6 Inf, area: BT358110, BT350110, BT350130, BT363130. Pass to 1/1 Cav, rec’d by SGT Evans at 2105H. Approved by CPT Estes at 2110H. Passed to 198th Bde as approved, rec’d by SP Eisenbarth at 2110H. Notified FSE. CPT Motes.

4/01/69 18:33:00

198th Bde, SGT Fults, D/1-6, BT399098 at 1715H.Evac 6xVN females w/neg ID’s to LZ Bayonet.

4/07/69 11:10:00

198th Bde,SP Rothermel. ARMV compl. C(-)/1-6 fm PZ Hill 76 at 1015H to LZ Ky Ha at 1024H. D(-)/1-6 fm PZ Ky Ha to LZ Hill 76 at 1010H.

4/08/69 08:55:00

198th Bde, SGT Fults, D/1-6, BT393123 at 0813H. Obsr 1XMAM evading. Shouted Dung Lai and fired 2X warning shots. MAM did not stop. Engd, res: 1 X VC KIA.

4/09/69 22:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Ball, D/1-6 Inf, BT384118 en: BT389119 at 1010H. 2d Platoon observed 8-10 VC in black PJs with 1 NVA cadre in green uniform with pith helmet. VC had rucksacks and wpns. Endg w/M-72 LAW. Res: 1 secondary Explosion. Called arty msn on area, are sweeping area at present time. Neg res.

4/11/69 13:09:00

198th Bde, Sp Rims, D/1-6, BS400105 at 1235H. Evac 2XDET to LZ Bayonet, neg wpn or ID.

4/11/69 18:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Stoia, D/1-6 Inf, BT438070 at 1520H. Obsr 2 VN Civ, det a mine. Res: 2 VN Civ KIA. (Info only)

4/14/69 08:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Fults, D/1-6, BT497065 at 0720H. Dtn 1xfemale, Kit Carson Sct said ID was not valid. Evac to IPW at LZ Bayonet.

4/15/69 17:56:00

198th Bde, Sp Rims, D/1-6 Inf, BT384136 at 1730H. Det 4 VN individuals w/altered ID cards, evac to LZ Bayonet.

4/27/69 15:03:00

198th Bde, Sgt Edmunson, D/1-6, BT370105 at 1405H. Det 1x105mm rd rigged as a mine. Res: 2xUS KIA, 3xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 1425H.

5/02/69 15:45:00

198th Bde, Cpt Brammer. A/C request. 2 G/S. Purpose: extraction of D/4, 1-6 Inf. PZ BT388099 to Hill 76. Call Sign: Regal Girder 41. Freq: 63.25 Time: 031000H – 031030H May 69. Approved G3 Maj Wagner. Passed to AAE WO Beard. Passed to 198th Bde Sp Rothermel.

5/03/69 10:45:00

198th Bde, CPT Brammer. BTOC, request for A/C. MS Type A/C: 6xUH-1H slicks, 1xCC ship, 1xsmoke ship, 2xG/S. Msn: CA. Unit supporting: 1-6th Inf. DTG: 040800H-040900H. Remarks: LZ vic BT404010, PZ vic Fat City. Call Sign: Slang Payoff 91. Freq: 56.30. Duration: 1 hr, 120 pack involved. Approved: G3, MAJ Wagner, except 2xG/S. Passed to AAE, MAJ White, 198th Bde, CPT Brammer 031220H.

5/12/69 08:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Hawkins, D/1-6, BT455022 at 0700H. Fnd rkt launch site, fresh trails, 88 shipping caps, 8 blast holes at 40’azimuth pointing N, a cleared area 100m long & 30m wide w/8 aiming stakes.

5/14/69 23:59:00

198th Bde, Sp Hawkins, D/1-6, BT432045 at 2312H. Hit mine (H/gren w/trip wire). Res: M 4xWIA(E). D/O compl at 2348H.

5/20/69 13:20:00

198th Bde, PFC Holden, D/1-6, BT448024 at 1117H. Fnd 5xrkt launch sites & aiming stakes & shipping plugs.

5/24/69 08:45:00

198th Bde, SP Hawkins, D/1-6, BT439060 at 0800H. Det M-26 H/gren rigged as mine. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). D/O to 312 Evac at 0815H.

6/01/69 18:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Edmunson, D/1-6, BT367104 at 1735H.Rec 200xrds AWF. Res: 1xUS WTA(M) Arty fire w/unk res.

6/03/69 15:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Fults, D/1-6, BT368103, (En) BT363107 at 1525H. (1) Rec SAF & AWF fm est 7 to 8 VC, VC evaded.Arty fired w/unk res. Res: 1xUS WIA(E), 2xUS WIA(M). D/O compl at 1630H. (2) CC/1-6, flying over area took 1 or 2 hits neg. cas. Passed to AAE: MAJ White.

6/03/69 20:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Edmundson, D/1-6 Inf, BT388098 en: BT388098 at 1930H. Find 1 VC KIA in a spider hole, est. he had been dead 1 week – KBA/S.

6/04/69 21:40:00

198th Bde, 198th Bde Intsum, D/1-6 Inf, BT388098 at1027H. Tripped 1 BT 81mm illum rd. Res: 1 US WIA(M).

6/11/69 11:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bledsoe, D/1-6, BT349093 at 0900-1049H. Eng 5xVC, VC rtn fire. Res: 1xUS KIA, 3xUS WIA(E).D/O compl at 0903H. Later D/1-6 rec 3x60mm mort rds w/NCD. Called arty w/neg res. A/S called on BT352092. Res: 2xsecd explo.

6/14/69 13:14:00

(dlyd) DTOC, MAJ Wagner. Ref VIP visit on 14J Jun 69. 198th Bde will provide 1xrifle Co to stand by in support Of Bald Eagle requirements w/ necessary lift capabilities. Request will be in eff w/itinerary Ref CONFIDENTIAL msg AVDF CG 7511 13 Jun 69 (G-3 Admin file 101-40). Provide Div G-3 w/Co designation & location of PZ. Passed to 198th Bde,Sp Stoia at 131440H Jun 69, CPT Gaffney. D/1-6 will be stand-by Co. D-1 PZ BT396116 (Bruiser 21), D-2 & D-3 PZ Fat City (Bruiser 41) & DHQ PZ Hill 270 (Bruiser 33) freq 46.40. Ntfy: AAE WO Beard.

6/17/69 16:22:00

(dlyd) 198th Bde, CPT Please, 1-6. Bald Eagle for 17 Jun 69. Reaction force is D/1-6 utilizing 4 PZ’s. Call Sign: Gold Bruiser; freq 46.40 (1) PZ BT403096. (PAX-20) Gold Bruiser 92. (2) PZ BT425075. (PAX-24) Gold Bruiser 32. (3) PZ BT442068. (PAX-23) Gold Bruiser 72. (4) PZ Hill 270. (PAX-25) Gold Bruiser 80. Passed to AAE, CPT Mohrenweiser at 0001H.

6/24/69 12:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Rims, D/1-6, BS435053 at 1150H. Det 1xBT WP rd, unk size. Res: 3xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 1200H.

7/01/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location BT453039 from July 1 - 3, 1969

7/04/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location BT458038 from July 4-13, 1969

7/14/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location BT435038

7/17/69 20:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Fults, D/1-6 Inf, BT442051 at 2000H. Det unk type BT, Res: 2US WIA(E), D/O compl at 1720H To 91st Evac.

7/18/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location BT458038

7/19/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location Chu Lai BT545027 from July 19-21, 1969

7/22/69 12:00:00

D/1-6 Command Post location BT435073 from July 22-31, 1969

8/02/69 22:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Asbill, D/1-6, BT3717 at 1645H. Priority D/O for 1 VN w/SAF wound. He was fnd 200 m past the point where D/1-6 was test firing M-60 and also PF were test firing a .45 cal grease gun at same loc. D/O compl at 1712H.

8/10/69 19:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Thacker, D/1-6, BS465991 at 1740H. Fnd 1xskeleton ina spider hole. Area had been hit by A/S. Res: 1xVC KBA/S.

8/11/69 10:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bledsoe, D/1-6, BS466993 at 0917H. Fnd 5xVC KBA. 1xVC helmet, 2xponchos, 1xUS poncho liner, 1xUS canteen, 1xknife & 2x60mm mort rds. Ntfy: C/S SFC Drosdick; G3 Sp Baucum; G2 CPT Young; III MAF Sgt Jimes; USARV MAJ Wilkerson.

8/13/69 09:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Asbill, D/1-6, BS509963 at 0850H. Fnd 1xmine in the trail made of the new 60mm mort rd. Dest; trail is passable. There was a board w/a nail in it laying near the mort. rd.

8/18/69 14:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bledsoe, D/1-6, BS532948 at 1330H. Dtn 1xVN male, because he had 3xdifferent pictures for his ID Card. Evac to LZ Bayonet.

8/23/69 11:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BS524923 at 0945H. Res of cordon of vil. Vil desserted. Fnd fire w/food cooking. Obsr 30xVN leaving area, evaded S. Fnd small box of docu. Evac to Fat City. Ntfy: IPW LT Silas.

8/25/69 23:40:00

198th Bde, D/1-6, BS534949, (En) BS526939 at 2020H. While on ptl rec 1x RPG rd, 10x ChiCom H/gren, & about 50-200 rds of SAF fm 50m away. Est 6-8 VC evaded as fire was rtn. Res: 3x USWIA(M), 1x NVA KIA. Dtn 2x females & 4 children, 1x was wounded. D/O compl at 2120H.

8/26/69 22:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Thacker, D/1-6, BS536940 at 2041H. Obsr movement, eng w/SAF & H/gren. Res: 1xUS WIA(E) fm H/gren frags. D/O compl at 2103H.

8/27/69 22:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Petrella, D/1-6, BS547948, at 1620H. Evac 2 detainees to LZ Bayonet

8/28/69 12:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Thacker, D/1-6, 1111H. BS523925. Fnd 20-50 lbs of rice in bags.

8/28/69 15:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Burnett, D/1-6, BS523926, at 1150H. Tunnel dog fnd 1xtunnel. Tunnel led into a room that can hold 5-8 VC. 5’ to 51/2’ high. Fnd 1xAK-47 mag.

8/30/69 13:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Hill, D/1-6, BS390950, at 1230H. Fnd 1xtunnel 6’x5’ cam. Dest.

9/01/69 19:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Jellen, D/1-6, BS373953, at 1240H. Fnd a base camp & hospital & misc medical supplies. 2 large huts 60’ x20’. Also 1 30 man hut approx. 30’ x 20’, also included 8x5 man sleeping mats. All raised from the floor, 9 animal pens, 35 to 40 pigs, approx. 50 chickens, 100 lbs of rice mixed w/dried hot peppers, 30 lbs of salt, 6 jars of mushrooms, 6 bottles of homemade liquor, 3 lbs of corn, 150 lbs of tobacco, 2 NVA pith helmets, 32 rds of BAR ammo, 1 bolt action rifle, type unk, 8 full M-16 mags (60 rds of ammo). Fnd 10 tunnels under the huts, 1 tunnel 50’ long w/10 small storage rooms. Storage rooms 5’ x 5’. Also empty storage tunnel w/3 rooms. 1 small storage tunnel 10’ long, 7 bomb shelter type tunnels, small and empty. Will destroy.

9/02/69 22:20:00

198th Bde, SGT Sauer, D/1-6, BS384939 at 1900H fnd 1xhut 30’x15’. In area fnd 2000 lb of corn, 500 lb rice, diaries, Letters, job work sheets, propaganda material, 1xUS flag, 1xVN flag, sandbag of .30 cal ammo, 1xsandbag of M-16 mags w/ammo, misc green, black and OD uniforms, 1xoil cloth poncho, sand bag of medical supplies and 2xtowels. Will evac on 03 Sep to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy: IPW, LT Butler.

9/03/69 20:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Petrella. D/1-6, BS382938 at 1540H fnd & dest 1x250 lb bomb.

9/03/69 11:30:00

198th Bde, CPT Serano. D/1-6, 021945H. Ref DJF entry #51, DTG 022220H. Add: Fnd docu & diaries in Waterproof bag, 500 lb of rice, 1xVC & 1xUS flag, 1xsand bag of med supplies, misc clothing & small quantities of ammo, 1xhut 40’x15’ w/2 tunnels underneath. Ntfy: IPW, SP Darby.

9/12/69 19:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer D/1-6, BT449072 at 1420H. Fnd 1xM-72 LAW compl, 4xM-16 mag w/80 rds of ammo, 1xsmoke Gren. 1xM-72 tube only & 1 sack of cooked rice. All dest.

9/20/69 08:40:00

198th Bde, Sp Naradzay, B,D/1-6, BS390990 at 0030H. Saw bright flash at above grid at 0030H B/1-6 was on Hill 270 & D/1-6 was on Hill 76. Both saw flash at same time, both agree on the grid. Azimuth fr Hill 76 was 225d, Azimuth from Hill 270 was 199d 41’ 15”.

9/29/69 12:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT337124, (En) BT332132 at 1040H. Rec 20xrds AWF fr UNSEF (VC) En evaded N. Arty fired w/unk res. 1640 (U) 198th Bde, CPT Miller, B,D/1-6, BT333114 at 1550H. Fnd & dest homemade silhouette tgts made of bamboo. A sleeping Area for 6-8 people was also fnd. A trail in the area showed recent activity.

9/30/69 10:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Petrella, D/1-6, BT326108 at 0903H. Rec 100xrds of SAF fr 4-5 VC. NCD. Rtn SAF, unk res. Helix is on station.

10/01/69 09:45:00

198 Bde, Sgt Petrella, D/1-6, BT333112 at 0916H. Fd 1xhut 6’x8’x7’, lived in rec, greens growing, chickens in area, 1/2 lb TNT, 1xpr GI boots fd. Also fd a tunnel 3’x3’ leading fr hut. Dest everything.

10/01/69 17:00:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, 1000-1400H. At BT236104 eng 2xVC w/SAF. Checked area & fd 1xaluminum tube (4’x5”) set on bamboo tripod. Fd 12xB-40 rkt rds, 15xChicom HG (2 on trail rigged as B/T). Fd 1x60mm mort rd, 1xset of tail fins for 122mm rkt, 31xhomemade HG & 70xblasting caps. Cont to search

10/02/69 19:05:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT343096 at 1450H obsr 6xVN evad fr hut w/neg wpn. Eng w/SAF w/neg res. Search revealed 5x12’x8’ huts. Also 30xchickens, assorted clothing, 2xmain tunnels & 2xbnkrs, 15 lbs pol rice, 4xlbs salt, 4xUS canteens & 2xAK-47 mags. Indications of 30xpeople living in area. Will evac small items & dest rest.

10/03/69 12:45:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6 BT348093 at 1005H. Rec 30 rds SAF fr S & W. Arty fired w/unk res.

10/04/69 21:15:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, 1-6 (S-5) 0900H, BT444016. Farmer rpt loc of poss rkt launch site. S-5 conduct search tomorrow. 1-6 (S-5) 0930H, BT462053. PF sqd rec 40xrds SA and AWF fr est 4xVC. Neg cas. VC evad N D/1-6 BT351080 at 1723H Fd 4x60mm mort rds rigged as mines w/pressure release device. Rds were dest.

10/18/69 02:55:00

198 Bde, Sgt Petrella, D/1-6, BT441015 at 172000-2300H Oct. Trip flare went off, eng area w/2 claymores & H/G. Checked area w/neg res. 2300H, 2xtrip flares went off. Obsr 3-5 VC, eng w/SAF & H/G. Called illum & arty. Checked area w/neg res.

10/21/69 11:45:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT452024 at 1040H. Fd 1x105mm rd rigged as B/T. Supported 4 ½’ off ground. Dest.

10/21/69 20:25:00

198 Bde, CPT Goorley, D/1-6, BT443029 at 1830H. Walked into en “L” shaped amb. Rec SAF, 10xChicom HG, & 2xRPG rds. Res: 2xUS KIA, 2xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 1930H. En evad SW w/unk res.

10/22/69 08:30:00

198 Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT483023 at 0630H. Eng 2xMAM w/HG. Res: 2xDET WIA(E). They stated they were going fishing; had neg fishing equip. D/O compl 0655H to 27th Surg. IPW tm will be sent to question them.

10/22/69 14:10:00

198 Bde, Sgt Petrella, D/1-6, BT442030 at 1115H. LOH w/S-3 aboard rec 4-5xrds SAF w/NCD. Rtn fire w/MG w/unk res. Ntfy: AAE, CPT Allen.

10/27/69 15:45:00

198 Bde, St Petrella, D/1-6, BT433043 at 1515H. Fd 1xB/T M-26 HG w/trip wire. Dest.

11/06/69 16:45:00

198th Bde, SP Burnett, D/1-6, BS454008 at 1230H. Obsr 2xVC in open. Called arty w/neg res.

11/09/69 13:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, B&D/1-6, BT456055 at 0800H. Dtn 5xVn (1xwas evac to LZ Bayonet & 4 evac by the NPF to unk destination).

11/14/69 09:15:00

198th Bde, SP Hill, D/1-6, BT434041 at 0705H. Det 1xM-26 H/gren, BT w/trip wire. Res: 1xUS WIA (E), 1xUS KIA. D/O compl at 0730H to 91st Evac.

11/14/69 13:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT440046 at 1320H. Fnd & dest 1xM-26 H/gren BT w/trip wire. Dtn 1x12 yr old male. Evac to LZ Bayonet. He said there was 1 NVA in the area & he told the VN boy where there

11/14/69 18:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT441029 at 1745H. D Co in 1-6 CC obsr 1xMAM dressed in white. He started to evad & was dtn. Neg ID, 20-25 yrs old. Evac to LZ Bayonet.

11/30/69 21:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Sauer, D/1-6, BT452068 at 1730H. Fnd ammo box w/40xAK-47 rds, 66x.38 cal rds, 18x.45 rds, 5 ft claymore wire, 67x7.62 rds.

12/01/69 07:05:00

198 Bde, Sgt Early, D/1-6, BS445032 at 0645H. Tracker Dog Req. Time: 010800H-030800H Dec. Reason: Follow trail of 3xVC. Passed to 63d Scout Dog Plat, Sgt King. Appr by Sgt King. Appr by G3, CPT Smith. Passed to 198 Bde, Sgt Sauer. Pick up at Ranger Pad at 0800H.

12/03/69 23:15:00

198 Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT455069 at 2055H. Obsr hut w/5xpers inside cooking rice for approx 15xpers. Was eng by 10- 12xVC, rtn SAF w/unk en res. Frd res: 1xUS KIA (plat ldr) and 2xUS WIA(E). (1xUS WIA(E) was plat ldr).

12/06/69 15:25:00

198 Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, 1155H. (1) BT454064, fd 1xgrave, res: 1xVC KBA. (2) BT448072, fd 3xmines, 1xM-26 H/gren attached to used LAW by trip wire, 1xChicom H/gren w/trip wire & 1xsmoke gren filled w/C-4 & shrapnel. All dest.

12/13/69 19:10:00

198 Bde, Sp Cephas, D/1-6 Sensors, BT434031 at 1825H. Detected metal & unk # of pers. Processed 6x155mm rds HE & 6x105mm rds HE. Res: unk.

12/18/69 13:25:00

198 Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT446061 at 1150H. Dtn 3xVN females w/neg ID. Extr to Ly Tin.

12/19/69 09:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Jellen, D/1-6, BT443054 at 0732H. At 1st light 150m SW of D Co NDP, a banner was obsr. It was 3 ½’ x 10’ & tied to trees. It said, “ Wishing a lasting peaceful Merry Christmas & Happy New Years to come. You ought to join your compatriots in demanding an end to the US war of aggression in Vietnam & withdrawal of all US troops from South Vietnam.” Banner evac to LZ Bayonet.

12/22/69 14:30:00

198 Bde, CPT Dethorn, D/1-6, BT468080 at 1240H. 1xUS (PFC Laminna) wounded by PF fr Khoung Tho. Shot w/M-16. MAJ Kelly, CPT Knight, USMC & S-5 198 Bde investigating. Ntfy: Sgt Watson, III MAF at 2005H; PMO, SSG Wilson at 2115H. (See DJF #88, #51 23 Dec)

12/31/69 12:15:00

198 Bde, LT Gresge, Sensors, String #3, BT458024 at 1150H. Detected 5xindiv at the above grid. Neg arty fired, frd in area. D/1-6 will check the area.

1/01/70 08:50:00

(DELAYED) 198 Bde, Sp Burnett, D/1-6, BT454068 at 311950H Dec 69. (1) Amb site obsr 1xVC moving toward their NDP. Eng w/SAF & en evad. (2) Amb site obsr 2xVC mov toward their NDP. Eng w/SAF & en evad.

1/07/70 11:20:00

198 Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BS446064 at 1007H. 1xVN child said that he could show loc of B/T. B/T was pressure release type mine buried in ground. Mine was 10”x4”x8”, contained 25lbs of explo (TETNA) & mine was wrapped in a poncho. Also fd in an old NDP pos. Will be dest in place.

1/07/70 19:00:00

198 Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT460070, BT458068 at 1630H. At BT460070 fd 1x “C” shaped tunnel 20’x3’x4’. Obsr evidence of rec activity within tunnel. BT458068, fd 1xtunnel 4’x2’x3’ w/empty 4.2” illum canister inside. Air strike will be processed.

1/09/70 02:30:00

198 Bde, CPT Lange, D/1-6, BT460070 at 0110H. 6xman pos was attacked w/out warning by UNSEF w/Chicom H/gren, SAF & possibly claymores. Res: 4xUS KIA, 1xWIA(E) & 1xWIA(M). VC overran the amb site taking wpns & radio. Wpns lost: 4xM-16 & 1xM-60 MG. Rept delayed due to loss of radio at amb site at 081950H. D/O compl 0316H to 91st Evac. Bn CO will make investigation tomorrow & rept will be forwarded. Ntfy: III MAF, Sgt Ottinger at 0755H. (See entry #20)

1/09/70 09:00:00

198 Bde, CPT Boretti, D/1-6. Ref DJF entry #3, 9 Jan 70. 1xdud illum rd landed on a shelter killing 1xVN child & wounding 1xVN woman. D/O compl 0330H. 2xshelters dam by illum canisters. Ntfy: G-5, Sp King.

1/09/70 13:30:00

198 Bde, CPT Borretti, D/1-6 at 0110H. Ref DJF entry #3, 9 Jan 70. This is a summary to the investigation. The amb site was attacked by est 15-20xVC/NVA en force. The site was overrun by the enemy. The amb site was manned by 2d sqd of the 1st plat. Contact was initiated w/10xChicom H/gren fr approx 5m away. The en overran the site & quickly searched the dead & collected wpns & equip before leaving. En had AK-47’s & fired 7-8xmags. Res: 4xUS KIA, 1xUS WIA(E) & 1xUS WIA(M). The en cptr 3xM-16’s, 1xM-60 MG & 1xPRC radio. When the Chicom H/gren came in, it was believed they killed the 4xUS. 1xUS ran fr the amb site (he is the 1xWIA(M)). He rtn to D/1-6 CP & rept the incident to his CO. The D Co CO w/a reinforced sqd, rtn to the amb site. They fd what was believed to be 5xUS KIA but after checking them more closely, they fd 1xUS to be alive. D/O compl at 0316H. The Co CO said he was first alerted that something was wrong at the site because 1xradio transmission fr the site. The amb was not dug in. They had neg sensors or starlight scopes (neg PSID). The en direction of attack was fr the NW. En escape route, unk. The amb was strung out fr N-S. The 4.2” mort at Hill 270 fired illum for the amb site, 1xdud illum rd landed on a shelter (BT469075) killing 1xVN child & wounding 1xVN woman. D/O compl at 0330H. Also 2xshelters were dam by illum canisters. (Village is Khuong Quang #3). Ntfy: III MAF, MAJ Stevens at 1425H.

1/09/70 18:55:00

198 Bde, Sp Burnett, D/1-6 Inf, BS478868 at 2115H. Delayed Report. 1xUS NBW(M) by PF fire.

1/10/70 17:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BT454068 at 1415H. Dtn 1xVN female, age 16xyrs w/ID card watching perimeter. Evac to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy: IPW, Sgt Hyde.

1/11/70 18:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Westerman, Sensor String #8, BT424024 & 430023 (en grids) at 1335H. Detected 3-5xindiv mov N to S. Eng w/arty. D/1-6 will sweep.

1/12/70 16:30:00

198 Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BT477060 at 1025H. Dtn 1xmale in sensor area w/neg ID. Will evac to LZ Bayonet.

1/16/70 15:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BT437056 at 1255H. Village chief fr Ky Long (1) states that his wood cutters obsr several VC in the area. D Co swept the area w/neg res.

1/21/70 13:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Burnett, D/1-6, BS505955 at 1330H. Dtn 1xMAM w/false ID. He also had a piece of paper w/VN writing on it. Evac to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy: IPW, Sp Darby.

1/21/70 16:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BS515975 at 1210H. Obsr 1xMAM. Fired arty w/unk res.

1/21/70 18:15:00

198th Bde, CPT Boretti, D/1-6, BS515975 at 1210H. Obsr 1xMAM. Fired arty. VR the area w/neg res.

1/23/70 15:06:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BS519941 at 1146H. Dtn 3xMAM w/ID cards. Extracted to LZ Bayonet.

1/29/70 18:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT429056 at 1745H. Obsr & eng 3-4xVC evading. Eng w/SAF w/unk res.

1/31/70 19:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 Inf, BS428057 at 1505H. Fd 1xbnkr 6’x6’x6’ w/overhead cover. Fd small B/T factory. 1x4.2” rd compl , 20-40xrds SA, 40-60xMG rds, powder & cartridge removed; 2 BA 30, 1xPRC-25 battery, 1xRPG rd, powder removed; signs of rec activity. Bunker dest.

2/01/70 09:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS455033. Req EOD tm. Time: 1100H-1500H. Pick up at Admin Pad at 1100H. Tall # (either) 366 or 313. Purpose: To dest 4.2” mortar rd that fell into shelter at the above grid. Passed to EOD, Sgt Geddy. Appr by G-3, CPT Pate. Ntfy 198th Bde, Sgt Hill.

2/03/70 15:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6 Inf, (EN) BT453019 at 1435H, fnd and dest 1xM-26 H/Gren BT w/trip wire, cam.

2/03/70 15:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6 Inf, (EN) BT442047, 433043 at 1530H, 1st grid: fnd 1x81mm mort BT w/press rel firing device. 1xtunnel. 2nd grid: fnd BT w/2xsticks dynamite w/elec firing device w/iron attached for schrapnel. Fnd 5xtunnels. Res: dest.

2/04/70 10:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Harmon, D/1-6, BT435035 at 0735H. While rtn fr amb site; det 1xunk type mine w/pressure release type firing device buried in a trail. Res: 1xUS KIA & 4xUS WIA (E). D/O compl at 0805H. All were wearing flak jackets & steel helmets. Ntfy III MAF, Sgt LaBan at 1005H.

2/04/70 14:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT428040 at 1223H. Obsr & eng 2xVC w/SAF 500m fr their loc. VC evaded NW. Swept the area w/neg res.

2/05/70 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT438057 at 1126H. While on patrol; det 1xB/T 105mm rd w/chi com h/gren as det w/trip wire firing device. 105xrd did not compl det. Res: 1xUS WIA(M). They were wearing flak jackets. Passed to III MAF, SSG Stabbs at 1305H.

2/06/70 18:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT427057 at 1600H. Fnd B/T factory rebuilt containing 3xB/T composed of rkt heads e/electrical blasting caps. Also, fnd 25xAK-47 rds & assorted NVA equip. Res: Dest all.

2/08/70 13:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT424021 at 1200H. While on ptrl; det 1xB/T H/gren w/trip wire. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). D/O compl at 1220H. Ntfy III MAF, Sgt Stabbs at 1320H.

2/11/70 18:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BT456014 at 1720H, fnd aiming stakes, shipping plugs, and safty plugs for rkts. BT428057, fd 1xbunker; 2xChiCom H/gren, 25xlbs salt, 2xUS canteens, 30x lbs rice, 2xAK-47 mags (full), propaganda sheets in English inside bunker.

2/12/70 19:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6 Inf, (EN) BT421037 at 1540H, obsr & eng 3xVC w/packs & wpns. Eng w/SAF & arty w/neg res.

2/15/70 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, D/1-6, BT468023 at 1030H. Det 1xB/T Chi Com H/gren w/pressure release type firing device. The 3rd man in the file det the B/T. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). D/O compl at 1040H. All were wearing flak jackets & were 3m apart. Ntfy III MAF, SSG Henry at 1335H.

2/16/70 19:10:00

(DELAYED) (U) 198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT432038 at 151505H Feb 70. Scout Dog det 1xB/T w/pressurerelease type firing device. B/T was homemade w/C-4 explo. Res: 1xScout Dog WIA (E). Fnd 1x105mm rd rigged as anti hel B/T w/prop wash type firing device. Res: 1xUS WIA (E).

2/22/70 12:05:00

D/1-6 LOCATION: Command Post located at BT370020

2/26/70 12:05:00

D/1-6 LOCATION: Command Post located at BT386124

3/04/70 09:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT402115 at 0800H. Rec 5xrds of SAF. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). D/O compl at 0825H to 91st Evac. SAF came fr a hamlet 250m fr their loc. Did not rtn fire because of hamlet.

3/06/70 16:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT316018 at 1515H. The smoke ship w/CA hel, rec 5-6xrds of SAF w/NCD. Ntfy AAE. CPT Spies.

3/08/70 00:30:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, CPT Borettie, D/1-6, BT403115 at 072115H Mar 70. Rec SAF & 1xB-40 rkt fr 3-4xVC, 100m SW of their loc, Rtn SAF & eng w/arty & illum w/unk res. Red: 1xRF WIA (M).

3/15/70 20:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 Inf, BT425056 at 1700H, 2xUS EM sitting on berm of rd, when 1x accidently discharged his wpn hitting another in the head. EM DOA at 91st Evac. KNB was Brewer, Thomas A., PFC – 187-40-4215. Nakalma, Gary A. PFC, is under sedation at 91st Evac. Will question tomorrow.

3/23/70 12:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Westerman, 198th Bde TOC, LZ Bayonet BT549016 at 0800H. Three US rec cuts fr exploding C-ration cans when they threw them into a fire. The two US were D/O by hel fr D/1-6 loc to 91st Evac & the other to 27th Surg by jeep. Res: 3xUS NBW €. They were on the gnd on OP line at LZ Bayonet.

3/25/70 11:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS643926 at 1030H. Dtn 1xVN male (age 30-40xyrs) w/invalid ID. Extracted to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy IPW, Sgt Hyde.

3/26/70 20:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6 Inf, BS672883 at 1827H, obsr 1xVC evad, eng w/arty. Res: 1xVC KBA.

3/27/70 13:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS663911 at 1015H. One US det an M-26 H/gren B/T w/trip wire. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). Evac to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy XXIV Corps, MAJ Kotowski at 1405H.

3/27/70 14:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS663878 at 1000H. Fnd 1xnotebook in a dest hut. Evac to LZ Dottie. Ntfy IPW, Sp Matsumoto.

3/30/70 10:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS663911 at 1015H. One US det an M-26 H/gren B/T w/trip wire. Res: 1xUS WIA (E). Evac to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy XXIV Corps, MAJ Kotowski at 1405H.

3/30/70 15:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS660870 at 1455H. Det 1xapers mine w/pressure type firing device. Res: 1xUS WIA ( E ). D/O compl at 1501H. Crater was 8”x6”. Possible USM-14 mine w/pressuretype firing device. They had flak jackets and helmets. Ntfy XXIV Corps, CPT McDowell at 1550H.

4/05/70 00:38:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS664912 at 041545H Apr 70. Fnd & dest 1x105mm rd B/T w/trip wire hanging fr a bamboo stake. During the process of dest B/T, 1xUS rec shrapnel. Res: 1xUS WIA(E).

4/06/70 04:00:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sgt Westerman, D/1-6, BS675925 at 051645H Apr 70. While on a search & clear msn, fnd 1xPF rucksack, ammo pouches, 2xtunnels 80xft long & 15xft deep, 1x8” rd, 2x105mm rds, 1xChicom HG. The village showed signs that an en plat had been there recently. Hillside near the village had tunnels & bunkers to hold 1xplat. They fired arty & dest bunkers & tunnels on hillside. Also dest rds in place.

4/06/70 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS681915 at 0720H. Rec 1x60mm mort rd which impacted outside their NDP w/NCD. Eng suspected en loc w/arty w/unk res.

4/06/70 10:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS667925 at 0920H. Dtn 1xVN male w/receipts indicating he had traded w/the VC. Extracted to LZ Bayonet. Ntfy IPW, Sp Matsumoto.

4/06/70 15:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS684919 at 1445H. Rec SAF. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). D/O complete at 1525H. Arty fired w/unk res.

4/09/70 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS788858 at 1020H. While on a search and clear msn, det 1x105mm rd B/T w/pressure type firing device. Res: 6xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 1045H. They were wearing flak jackets. Ntfy XXIV Corps, CPT Conway at 1230H.

4/13/70 12:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BT668016 at 1055H. Det 1xB/T M-72 Law projectile w/trip wire buried along a trail. Res: 1xUSWIA(E). D/O compl at 1110H to 91st Evac.

4/14/70 17:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Westerman, D/1-6, BS720805 at 1530H. Det 1x105mm rd B/T w/pressure tgype firing device. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 1540H.

4/18/70 13:06:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, 1-6. Night Hawk Req. Time 181900H-190600H Apr 70. Box #16: UL BS6594, LR BS6790. Appr by G-3, LT Kotula. Ntfy: 198th Bde, Sp Pleyten; AAE, LT Tomlin; FSE, CPT Crane.

4/19/70 00:25:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sgt Westerman, D/1-6, BS654862 at 182145H Apr 70. Fnd a tunnel complex. Fired arty & WP rds started a fire. Res: 6xsecondary explo.

4/22/70 13:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS676844 at 1155H. While on a cordon & search op, NPFF dtn 3xMAF w/neg ID. Extracted to Binh Son. (Info only)

4/27/70 19:42:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS730772 at 271942H Apr 70, mov into NDP. Det 1x105mm rd B/T w/PFD. Res: 1xUS KIA, 3xUS WIA(E). D/O rec 200xrds SAF & 1xdud mort rd. 1st D/O compl at 2015H. D/O back on station w/G/S at 2100H. Final D/O compl at 2134H.

4/29/70 22:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS735783 at 292010H Apr 70, fd & dest 1xhomemade mine w/PRFD. NCD.

4/29/70 20:04:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hill, D/1-6, BS723801 at 291935H Apr 70, am bobs & eng 1xVC w/SAF mov W, approx 200m floating along river in a sampan. Res: 1xVC KIA.

4/30/70 20:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS735783 at 301720H Apr 70, fd 3xbnkrs 5’x3’ reinforced w/brick, fd pungi pit 2’x3’ in front of bnkrs covered w/plastic & sand. Fd 4xM-16 ammo cans filled w/food, 2xpr sandals, 3xsleeping cots in bunker. At BS733784 fd 5xbnkrs reinforced w/8” beams 5’x4’x5’ & 1’x6’x30’. Will obsr during the night for possible signs of activity.

5/03/70 10:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Burnette, D/1-6, BS737765 at 0810H. While climbing onto a track, 1xEM dropped his M-16 & it discharged. Res: 1xUS WNB fr frag rd hitting track. D/O compl at 0825H to 91st Evac.

5/12/70 18:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS708863 at 1600H. Fnd 100xlbs of rice in a hedgerow contained in earthen jars (in good condtion). Extracted rice to LZ Dottie.

5/15/70 10:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 at 0810H. Req urgent D/O for 1xVN female who had frag wounds in the back fr unk source. D/O compl at 0826H to Quang Ngai.

5/21/70 07:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS685825 at 0625H. Eng 40xyr old VN female evading fr cordon & search op. Res: 1xVN female WIA(E). D/O compl at 0650H to 91st Evac. Female was classified as a civil defendant.

5/21/70 10:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS685825 at 1000H. Dtn 3xMAF. NPFF says they are VCS. Extracted to LZ Bayonet.

5/27/70 15:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS720813 at 1255H. Rec 400xrds of SAF fr 300m. Rtn SA & arty fire. Swept the area w/neg res.

6/04/70 10:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS691807 at 1040H. While on a ptl, fnd 3x60mm mort rds in a bnkr (3’x 3’). Also fnd 2xtunnels recently used. All were dest.

6/05/70 19:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS700810 at 1737H, 1xVN child turned in 1xM-2 Cbn under VIP. Paid: 1500 piasters.

6/11/70 11:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BS678804 at 0945H. While on ptl, fnd 1xbnkr (5’x5’) w/no signs of recent use. Dest bnkr.

6/14/70 13:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitchum, D/1-6, BS683807 at 1130H. Fnd 2xbnkrs 12’x8’ reinforced w/granite & masonary 1xft thick. Dest in place.

6/16/70 14:30:00

198th Bde, LT Mizell, D/1-6, 1430H. Req EOD Tm to dest 1x250 lb bomb vic BS701806. Pick up at Admin Pad 1530H, tail #500. Passed to 133d EOD, MSG Hunter. Appr by G-3 Ops, CPT Sherrard. Ntfy 198t Bde, LT Mizell.

6/16/70 17:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS692809 at 1055H, fd 1x250 lb bomb. EOD tm on scene & dest w/NCD. While rtn to dayh laager, fd another 250xlb bomb. EOD tm, stil w/D/1-6, also dest w/NCD.

6/19/70 19:22:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 Sniper Tm, BS719810 at 1550H. Swept area of sniper tim contact. Res: 1xVC KIA, 3xpacks, 1xpistol belt CIA. Evac to Bayonet.

6/21/70 10:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS728814 at 0930H, rec 20xrds AK-47 SAF fr est 3xVC. Processed arty w/unk res

6/23/70 01:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS690837, at 221930H Jun 70, obsr mov 900m NW in woodline. Eng w/M-60 & arty. Will sweep at first light.

6/28/70 11:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS709896 at 0915H, on patrol, fd 300xlbs polished rice stored in cement jars, 1-2xmonths old in good condition. NPFF says rice is VC. Rice will be extr to LZ Bayonet.

6/29/70 17:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS690894 at 1525H, obsr & eng 7xVC evading S, 200m S of loc. Swept area & fd 1xM- 79 (serial #99704), 2xrucksacks, 1xpr sandals, noodles cooking, 2xknives & makeshift radio antenna. Extr wpn, rucksacks & knives to LZ Dottie & dest rest.

6/29/70 23:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitchum, D/1-6, BS691897 at 1525H, fd B/T H/gren dest in place. When blown, resembled WP H/gren.

6/30/70 10:57:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS690889 at 0958H. Eng w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xpack, 12xAK rds, 1xVC gas mask, bandages. Extr CIA’s to LZ Dottie.

6/30/70 22:40:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitchum, D/1-6, BS673888 at 2000H. Mech amb det, res 1xVC KIA, 1xAK-47 & 1xpistol #C-796670, 1xpack CIA.

7/04/70 00:20:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sp Mitcham, D/1-6, BS724815 at 032040H. Moving to amb rec SAF & 1xChicom H/gren, prox 30-40m NE. Rtn SAF. Called arty. NCD. Will sweep tomorrow.

7/04/70 22:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitcham, D/1-6, BS720844 at 1940H. Eng 2xVC w/SAF & arty approx 300m N. Res: 1xVC KIA in green unif, the other evaded NW.

7/05/70 21:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitcham, D/1-6, (en) BS731830 at 1900H. Obsr 1xVC running toward their loc 150m N of loc, yelled for him to stop & he kept coming. Fired 4xwarning shots, eng w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xpack, 25xrds AK ammo, 1xChicom H/gren.

7/06/70 08:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS737834 at 0707H. While on patrol det 1x81mm mort rd B/T w/PTFD. Res: 2xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0726H to 27th Surg. Crater 1’x3’.

7/08/70 19:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS678888 at 1630H. Dtn 19xMAF, 4xin teens, 6xin 20’s, 9x30-40. Neg ID w/rations of cookies, bread, tobacco, tea, fish, candy, soap. No large amts. Evac to Binh Son.

7/09/70 19:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6. At 1600H at (en) BS729821 fnd 1x250lb dud bomb. Will dest. 1200H at BS721818 VN child turned in 2x1 quart juice cans filled with PETNA & .50 cal casings w/smoke grenade striker attached, 1xRPG rd. Was paid w/excess food. 3/D/1-6 at 1400H at BS721823 fnd tunnel 4’x4’x70’, inside fnd 12x5lb bags of CS powder w/det cord wrapped around them. Dest all.

7/09/70 12:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS730821 at 1130H. D7 from 39 Engr fell into hole 12’x12’x12’ w/NCD. Dozer extr fr hole.

7/10/70 18:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS731823 at 1713H. Fd suspected mine just outside NDP. Res: 1xunk type mine, dest. Crater 4’x3’.

7/11/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS728823 at 0800H. D7 bulldozer fr 39th Engr det B/T H/gren or small mort rd w/PTFD. Res: 1xsmall hole in radiator, 1xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 0812H to 91st Evac. (Info only)

7/11/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS729824 at 0825H. Bulldozer fr 39th Engr det B/T H/gren or small mort rd w/PTFD w/NCD. (Info only)

7/12/70 12:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS721823 at 0950H. Fd B/T illum canister filled w/petna & shrapnel w/TWFD w/smoke grenade striker. Res: dest.

7/12/70 15:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS723824 at 1330H. Fd 1x105mm B/T w/TWFD attached to tree. Des w/NCD.

7/17/70 09:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 0815H at (en) BS704821 was led by Hoi Chanh to cam bnkr. Inside fd 1xM-60 MG (missing 1xhandguard) & 75-100xrds M-60 ammo in good condition.

7/17/70 22:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS704804, TOR 172245H, TOI 172013H. Req urgent D/O for 1xUS & 1xKCS who det frd mech amb. Indiv were moving back to CP loc & took different route as PF’s were on the perimeter in that sector and they wanted to cross through US lines. They wandered too far & entered another sector where other indiv had set up mech amb. Both DOW.

7/18/70 22:45:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS704804, TOR 172245H, TOI 172013H. Req urgent D/O for 1xUS & 1xKCS who det frd mech amb. Indiv were moving back to CP loc & took different route as PF’s were on the perimeter in that sector and they wanted to cross through US lines. They wandered too far & entered another sector where other indiv had set up mech amb. Both DOW. 0800 HQ Amcal, CPT Donovan. Ref DJF #2, 18 Jul 70. Serious Incident Report – Frd Cas frm Frd Fire. (1) Originator of report: HQ Amcal Div. (2) Location of Accident/Incident: In Quang Ngai Province, BS704804, 9km NE of Quang Ngai. (3) Time: 172013H Jul 70. (4) Unit involved: D/1-6. (5) Description of cause: 1xUS & 1xKCS were returning to the perimeter after setting up mech amb. They came in by a different route & det another mech amb. (6) Cas: 1xUS KIA, 1xKCS KIA. (7) Caliber & type of wpn: Claymore mine M-18A1. An investigation is being conducted. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, PFC Ver Hage180840H; G-1, LT Krueger. 1700 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS686804 at 1415H. Fd & dest 1xB/T ammo can filled w/rock, shrapnel & C-4 w/PTFD. Crater 3’x2’.

7/19/70 17:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS683809 at 1130H. Fd 2xVN tunnels (3’x5’x4’) w/no signs of recent use. Dest tunnels.

7/21/70 10:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 at 0855H at (en) BS697801, while on ptl w/PF plat #63, were shown loc of 1xUS Claymore in ammo can (not B/T) by PF’s. Dest in place

7/21/70 12:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 at 1115H at BS687813, fd & dest 2xtunnels.

7/21/70 12:05:00

198th Bde D/1-6 fd & dest 1x tunnel

7/22/70 16:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, An Thinh, 1250H. Rec report fr PF/RFs that a Hoi Chanh had been killed by RF, PF or RD cadre. An Thinh & National Police have been ntfy. An investigation is being conducted. 1730 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, Van Tinh/An Tinh, (en) vic BS7080 at 1705H. Rec 1xHoi Chanh w/neg wpn. Villagers talked him into Chieu Hoi’ing. Will extr to AMCAL IPW tomorrow.

7/26/70 00:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6 & RD Tm, BS693805 at 252330H. Heard movement approx 50m S. Eng w/MG & SAF. Sweep of area fnd 1xAK-47 w/damaged stock. RD keeping wpn.

7/29/70 19:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS688804 at 1700H. Fd B/T Coke can in ground. Had smoke grenade striker set to strike M-16 rd, had trip wire going across opening in hedgerow. Hedgerow 20xm fr main trail. Used long string w/hook to det. Res: 12’x12” crater. Believed something larger under Coke can.

8/04/70 13:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Culpepper, D/1-6, BS672968 at 1255H. Dtn 3xMAF w/neg ID who were asking questions around DDP. Will extr to Chu Lai. 2000 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS666930 at 1710H. Obsr 5xVC w/packs dressed in black prox 800-1000m S. Fired arty. Helix on sta to VR area. Helix obsr spider holes & tunnel entrances. Will check at first light.

8/04/70 20:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS666930 at 1710H. Obsr 5xVC w/packs dressed in black prox 800-1000m S. Fired arty. Helix on sta to VR area. Helix obsr spider holes & tunnel entrances. Will check at first light.

8/05/70 09:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, at 0820H, at BS667930, rec light SA & AWF fr 2-3xVC approx 150m SE. Rtn SAF w/neg res.

8/05/70 13:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS684957 at 1215H. Fnd 1x250lb bomb stripped w/tools & sticks in area. It is believed to be the loc of a B/T factory

8/05/70 18:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS683937 at 1700H. Rec SAF & M-79 fire fr prox 300m SE. Eng area. Swept w/neg res

8/05/70 20:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1930H, coord BS674934, rec M-79 rd fr NE prox unk. Rec while LOH was going into area. Did not rtn fire.

8/06/70 10:50:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, BS691936 at 0940H. Det B/T (unk type) w/PTFD. Crater 4”x6”. Res: 3xUS WIA(E). D/O 0950H to 27th Surg.

8/06/70 18:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS683932 at 1520H. Rec 200xrds SAF & AWF fr 800m SE. G/S eng susp en loc w/neg res. Arty fired w/neg res

8/07/70 23:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1600H. BS687912, Chieu Hoi told them that the new constructed road has 3xmines planted in it. Mines loc is marked by long tree on N side of road.

8/07/70 23:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1615H, BS688913, some Chieu Hoi led D Co to well cam tunnel entr 2’x2’. This tunnel led to room 5’x5’x6’. They fnd 50xrds of AK-47, no signs of recent act. Room used to hide 5xVC. Tunnel was dest. (Info only)

8/08/70 19:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS669921 at 1830H. Rec 150xrds SAF fr prox 300m E. Rtn org wpn & arty. Swept w/neg res

8/09/70 00:45:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS674921 at 082310H. Mech amb det. Swept area under Arty illum w/neg res. Will check at first light.

8/09/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS672918 at 0845H. Sweep of contact of 081830H. Fnd M-16 brass, 1xempty M-16 mag (fnd in trenchline)

8/09/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, (en) BS672919 at 0915H. Rec 3xM-79 rd fr 300m N of loc. Rtn w/SAF w/unk res

8/09/70 18:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS666916 at 1800H. Fnd 2xhomemade AT mines w/PTFD, strategically loc on a tank trail, res: DIP. Cratger 3’x5’

8/10/70 10:30:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, BS675924 at 0945H. Mech amb det, swept area & fnd sev pools of blood, flesh & drag marks

8/11/70 12:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS671931 at 1137H. Fnd ammo can full of docu. Can had been run over by truck. Could see through crack in can. Will evac to Dottie.

8/11/70 14:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS671934 at 1340H. On ptl fnd cam hut – outside fnd 350xlbs rice & 350xlbs potatoes. Res: Dest huts, while burning hut, something inside explo (size of H/gren). Will extr food to Van Thanh. Rice was locally grown, in good condition, 2xmos old, & fnd in earthware crock

8/11/70 15:38:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitcham, D/1-6, (en) BS680933 at 1520H. Ptl rec’d 5-6xrds SAF fr NE prox 700m away, neg cas, rtn w/arty, swept w/neg res.

8/11/70 16:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BS665930 at 1600H. Fnd 1000xlbs unpol rice, rice in large crocks & 1x8” canister, good cond, 1xmo old, loc grown. Fnd 1xtrip wire, hand tools possibly to make B/T (dest). Rice will be bagged & extr to Dottie.

8/12/70 00:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, F/8 Cav, (en) BS690932 at 112250H. Obsr 1xVC in tree line w/water buffalo. VC eng Blue Ghost w/SAF, did not eng due to nearness of friendlies & was running low on fuel. D/1-6 working up Arty fire msn. Will sweep in morn.

8/12/70 07:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS674931 at 0100H. Mech amb det. Res: 1xVC KIA, dressed in blue shorts & grn shirt.

8/12/70 15:27:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS688913 at 1440H. While mov E, rear element obsr 3xVC trailing, element maneuvered to flank & ordered VC to halt. 3xVC evad E into another element. Res: Dtn 1xMAM WIA, he carried a small pouch w/a hammock & parachute inside; he wore a blue shirt & shorts. Interp says he is hamlet VC checking trails for VC. The VC will be D/O when & if acft becomes available. Evac to CHL, 91st Evac.

8/13/70 23:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, F/8 Cav, (en) BS690917 at 122230H. D/1-6 req F/8 to check out sus en loc. F/8 obsr 4xVC & 6xpr of blk PJ’s on line by hootch, 4xVC w/wpns evad into tree line. F/8 rec SAF fr VC & eng. Res: 3xVCKIA. D/1-6 req arty on grid.

8/13/70 07:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS683924 at 0715H. While leaving amb set off M-16 Bouncing Betty dud. DIP.

8/13/70 14:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS691908 at 1350H. Fnd 1xtunnel 4’x4’x15’, large enough for 15xpers, branched into 3xdirections. Inside fnd docu, interpreter says fr K51 unit. Will extr to Dottie. Dest tunnels.

8/13/70 21:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1730H. BS696900, Chieu Hoi led Co to 4x81mm mort rds compl w/charges, hidden in hedge.

8/13/70 21:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at BS694902, Chieu Hoi disarmed 2x81mm mort rd B/T w/tail fin buried down in ground w/nose up.

8/14/70 18:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, 176 Avn, BS695928 at 1037H. On resupply for D/1-6, rec 15-20xrds SAF w/NCD. D/1-6 eng, called arty, swept w/neg res.

8/14/70 18:30:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, (en) BS703904 at 1200H det 2xunk type B/T. Res: 5xUS WIA(E), rec light SAF. 1205H CC landed to pick up WIA’s while acft was on gnd, rec 1xRPG rd, or det mine. Res: 3xUS WIA(E) (CO 198th Bde S-3 & Arty LNO). Acft rec light shrapnel. 1205H rec hvy SAF, res: 7xUS WIA(E) & xinterpreter WIA(E). 1235H D/O compl for 4xUS WIA(E). 1300H rec SAF & M-79 rds, G/S on sta & expended. 1350H, D/1-1 on sta & expended. 1430H, contact broken. 1445H D/O compl for 3x US WIA(E). Frnd totals: 16xUS WIA(E). Passed to Sp Mayer, XXIV Corps.

8/15/70 14:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, (en) BS685923 at 1326H. Fnd & dest 3xtunnels.

8/16/70 10:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, BS706915 at 0915H. Dtn 5xMAF w/neg ID’s, extr to Chu Lai IPW. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, Sp McMillan 1045H

8/16/70 14:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS676874 at 1143H. Fnd 1xVC KBA (1xwk old)

8/16/70 14:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS668918 at 1315H. While securing helipad for LZ, while ejecting round fr chamber, 1xUS WIA(E) in left foot. D/O 1417H to 91st Evac. CPT Hicks is invest for 1-6.

8/17/70 21:01:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS670951, (en) BS670953 at 162030H. Amb obsr 4xVC prox 150m N, eng w/SAF, obsr 1xVC evad E, obsr 2xVC evad N, swept area, neg res.

8/17/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, (en) BS670953 at 0830H. Swept area & fnd 300xlbs unpolished rice in metal container, locally grown in good cond. Extr to Dottie.

8/17/70 15:15:00

AMCAL, CPT Jackowski. (1) Orig of Rpt: HQ AMCAL DIV. (2) Loc of accident / incident: BS668918. (3) Time: 161315H. (4) Unit involved: D/1-6. (5) Desc of cause: While ejecting a rd fr the chamber of an M-16, in prep to board an acft, a rd went off, injuring him in the foot. (6) Cas: 1xUS wounded, evac. (7) Cal & type of wpn: 5.56 M-16. The incid is under invest.

8/25/70 14:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, BS628981 at 1400H. Obsr 4xVC w/pk & wpn hiding behind rock, eng w/arty w/unk res. 1605H, D/1-1 on VR of area eng 4xVC. Res: 4xVC KIA.

8/25/70 23:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, NDP BS640980 at 1900H. Eng 1xVC in cave w/unk res. Rec SAF fr BS624983. Have rec sporadic sniper fire most of the day. 2000H, req emerg resupply. 2100H emerg resupply compl. 2110H, G/S covering resupply rec fire. Eng area w/unk res. Will sweep in morn

8/26/70 08:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, BS624982 at 0500H. Eng 1xVC wearing blk PJ w/light blue unif underneath, prox 20m W. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xAK-47 CIA, (SN 12065425), 2xAK mags cont 35xrds.

8/26/70 10:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, BS624982 at 0920H. Fnd 1xSKS in poor cond.

8/26/70 10:40:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, BS623983 at 0940H. Obsr & eng 1xVC, prox 20m S. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xpk cont docu & med supplies CIA. Wearing blk w/blue underneath. Res: docu & med supplies evac to Dottie.

8/26/70 10:40:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, D/1-6, BS623983 at 0940H. Obsr & eng 1xVC, prox 20m S. Res: 1xVC KIA, 1xpk cont docu & med supplies CIA. Wearing blk w/blue underneath. Res: docu & med supplies evac to Dottie.

8/26/70 19:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS628984 at 1825H. Rec 30-40 rds SAF fr prox 400m to N. Res: 2xUS WIA(E), rtn w/SAF, sweeping area. D/O compl at 1910H to 91st Evac.

8/27/70 10:00:00

198th Bde, LT Howard, 1-6, at 0900H. Sec for engr in Nantucket Beach, (1) L.C. sec 3/H/17 w/7xveh & B/1-6 vic BS6891, (2) sec hwy 522, C(-) 1-6 sec A/39 engr, vic BS6684, (3) 1/C/1-6 sec engr on bridge compound vic BS7380, (4) D/1-6 sec B/39th engr, hwy 522, vic BS6596, BS636915

8/28/70 16:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, (en) BS655961 at 1530H. 1xVNF told D Co to stay off rd sides fr 678926 to SE because rd & paddies were heavily B/T

8/30/70 14:18:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, at 1418H D/1-6 inserted at BS645967. At 1420H, 176 Avn G/S obsr 1xVC w/pack at BS644967, eng w/rkts, rec SAF fr 2-3xVC. D/1-6 eng w/SAF. Res: 2xVC KIA & 1xMAF WIA CIA. At 1507H 2d plat C/1-6 was inserted at BS645963 to sweep fr south to D/1-6 contact. 1535H, 176 Avn rept taking SAF fr BS645955, obsr what appeared to be radio & antennae in clump of rocks, obsr 3xgroups of 4-5xpersonnel, eng & joined by Stinger #83. At 1600H, F/8 was diverted to this loc & assisted 176th & Stinger #83. At 1610H, 176th G/S rept eng 6xVC. Res: 6xVC KIA, 3xsecondary explo fr rkts, radio & antennae dest.

8/30/70 16:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, Picked up at BS654987 2d & 3d plat of D/1-6 & 2d plat of C/1-6

8/30/70 16:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, 2d & 3d plat of D/1-6 & 2d plat of C/1-6. Inserted at BS645955 to sweep area G/S had worked over, fd 5xVC KIA by G/S. D/1-6 eng 1xVC, res: 1xVC KIA, 1xM-16 CIA, 1xM-1 rifle CIA, personal gear CIA. Further readout to follow. Items will be evac to LZ Dottie

8/30/70 22:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS660965 at 1420H. Dtn 1xMAM w/neg ID. Extr to IPW AMCAL.

8/31/70 08:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS647955 at 0725H. Fnd 3xChicom H/gren, 3xM-33 & 2xM-26 H/gren, 3xUS pistol belts, 4xfull M-16 mags, 10xpacks w/personal gear & docus. Will evac CIA to Dottie. These are the result of contact last night after sweep this morning.

8/31/70 08:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Culpepper, D/1-6, BS648956 at 0830H. Obsr 1xVC who was WIA fr contact yesterday, evading N. Eng w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA hiding in a rock pile, 1xM1-14 mine CIA, 1xUS pistol belt, 1xChicom H/gren CIA. Dressed in blk PJ’s w/neg ID. CIA evac to Dottie

8/31/70 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Pleten, D/1-6, BS635965 at 0855H. On sweep, fd 1x81mm mort rd B/T w/TWFD. Dest in place.

9/01/70 17:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Maston, D/1-6, BS673972 at 1620H. Ville chief brought in VN fem, prox 20xyrs old, she says she was wounded by G/S while cutting wood yesterday at 1700H. D Co said they had neg G/S yesterday. Sus to be part of the elem D Co was in contact w/the 30th of Aug. She has frag wounds.

9/01/70 21:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, BS649987 at 2105H. Mech amb det, swept w/neg res.

9/02/70 14:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Culpepper, D/1-6, BS640980 at 1345H. On ptl det B/T w/TWFD believed to be H/gren. Res: 1xUS WIA(E), frag to legs. D/O compl 1352H to 91st Evac. Crater 3’x6”

9/04/70 17:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Culpepper, D/1-6, (en) BT670010 at 1720H. Rec 100xrds SAF prox 200m W, rtn w/org wpns, neg cas. Helix on sta wants to put in A/S. 2135 198th Bde, Sp Bonsack, D/1-6, req Tunnel Dog tm fr 051330H-061330H. Appr: G-3, CPT Miller. Ntfy: 198th, Sp Bonsack

9/05/70 11:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS671010 at 1100H. Fnd sm mine flield of M14 AP mines. DIP by A/S on 4 Sept, fnd 6xthat were not dest by A/S; dest in place.

9/05/70 12:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BT671009 at 1300H. Fnd old tunnel, dest, inside fnd 1xtyped pages docus, in same vic fnd & dest 3xbnkrs.

9/07/70 11:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Mitchum, D/1-6, BS670950 at 1115H. Obsr 1xVC prox 100m N. Eng w/SAF. VC evad N. Swept, neg res.

9/07/70 12:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Culpepper, D/1-6, BS673938 at 1115H. Obsr 2xVC plowing field. Eng w/SAF. VC evad S. 1xhad wpn. Swept w/neg res.

9/09/70 19:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, (en) BS710915 at 1750H. Obsr 5xVC evad NE 700m NE fr loc. Eng w/arty, unk res.

9/10/70 07:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS702919 at 0655H. Fnd & dest unk type B/T. Crater 3’x2 ½’.

9/11/70 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Gano, D/1-6, BS680898 at 0831H. Eng 5xVC w/packs &I wpns prox 100m evad E. Res: 1xVC KIA, 2xVN dtn (male 42, female 18) w/neg ID. Fnd docu. Evac dtn to IPW CHL, extr docu to Dottie. In same area fnd & dest tunnel.

9/12/70 21:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Bessling, D/1-6, (en) BS679994 at 1800H. Fd 81mm rd B/T W/PTFD near old tank trail. Ammo-ANM 173A1; Lot: 2021-73-1003. Blew in place.

9/17/70 12:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS714809 at 1125H. While sweeping fnd 1x81mm mort rd w/TWFD. Dest in place

9/17/70 19:47:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, (en) BS714786 at 1915H. Fnd & dest 1x81mm mort rd. (dud)

9/17/70 23:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BS726787 at 2051H. Heard mov, det mech amb. Checked area w/neg res.

9/20/70 18:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1630H, BS690805, heard explo in An Thinh, vil chief said 1xVN child playing w/M18 AT when it det. Res: 1xVN child KIA. (Info only)

9/21/70 02:07:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6 at 202045H Sep 70, BS692796, mech amb det & rec 4xrds SAF. Swept area & fd 1xanimal KIA. PF’s were in area & fired when mech amb det.

9/22/70 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 0900H, BS700806, on ptl dtn 2xVN males w/neg picture on ID. Will be extr to IPW.

9/23/70 17:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS697811 at 1415H. Informed by PF’s that 3xVC had questioned VN fem & fled to the above grid. Processed arty. Swept w/neg res

9/24/70 11:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS715814 at 1015H. Fd 15xbnkrs 12’x6’ prox 6xmos old made w/wood planks, covered w/mud. Will dest

9/24/70 21:13:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BS700806 at 1910H. Req urgent D/O for 1xUS w/head injury & 3d degree burns on face rec while setting up trip flare which went off in his face. D/O #80 compl 1920H to 91st Evac. Res: 1xUS WNB.

9/26/70 21:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, BS700806 at 1913H. Req urg D/O for 1xVN male w/appendicitis. D/O compl 1945H to 27th Surg.

9/26/70 22:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, (en) BS709799 at 1930H. Obsr 1xVC prox 150m. Eng w/SAF. Will check at first light

9/27/70 16:45:00

198th Bde, PFC Hackfield, D/1-6, 1530H, BS722812. On patrol located recently built bnkr 6’x6’ w/bamboo walls. DIP.

10/03/70 10:25:00

(DELAYED) 198th Bde Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS678932 at 021250H. Fnd 1xM-1 cbn, excellent cond in bushes next to trail. 1xmag full of ammo. (SN455442) Extr to Dottie.

10/03/70 13:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS694933 at 1245H. Fnd abandoned ville w/70xgal pol rice in good cond, locally grown, approx 400xlbs, 2x81mm mort casings, 12x20mm casings. Evac rice to Dottie, dest rest.

10/03/70 16:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Hatfield, D/1-6, BS678947 at 1545H. Obsr 2xVC prox 100m N. Eng w/SAF. Res: 1xVC fem KIA, 1xVN fem dtn. CIA: 1xpistol belt, 1xplastic bag w/unk amt of money, 1xpack w/rice & cooking pan, 2xAK-47 rds. They were wearing rain suits & black PJ’s. Will evac to IPW.

10/04/70 12:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, 041130H, (en) BS680934. Fnd & dest 3xbnkrs 3’x3’x4’. Showed signs of recent use.

10/09/70 02:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, 090203H, NDP, BS688873. Trip flare on edge of perimeter went off. Eng w/SAF & H/gren. Rec 40xrds SAF fr UNSEF, VC evad to N. Request flareship. Neg arty, prox of friendlies. Processed arty & illum. Checked area, fd a tunnel 2’x2’ & 10’ long. An entrance to cave and entrance to cave 4’x4’x5’. Inside cave fd 2x16 C-4, 1xUS blasting cap & 18” of time fuse. Blood smudges on wall were fd & recent, possibly fr wounded VC

10/16/70 13:55:00

198th Bde, PFC Dupuy, D/1-6, at 1155H, BS727868, dtn 2xMAM (15 & 30 yrs old) w/neg ID. Will evac to IPW.

10/07/70 11:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, 070940H, BS689972, (en) BS689973. Rec 5-10xrds SAF fr 100m N. Rtn w/organic wpns. Helix was on station & had neg sightings. Are sweeping at present time.

10/17/70 14:15:00

198th Bde, PFC Forrey, D/1-6, at 1145H, BS715883, fd docus which were extr to Stinson. Also fd 1x8” arty rd, 1x155mm rd, 3x105mm rds, 2x105mm illum rds, 150x20mm rds, 1xunk type timing device, 2xbushels potatoes (120xlbs) B/T w/PTFD, 15xgal rice (90xlbs) B/T’d w/PTFD, 4xPRC 25 batteries, 2xtunnels. Will dest all except docus.

10/18/70 08:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Dupuy, D/1-6, at 0600H, BS731869, amb 1xVC w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA. CIA: 1xpk, 1xUS hammock, $28 VN, 1xlighter, 1xUS towel, 1xsweater, 3xnon-elect blasting caps. Neg unit ID. Items evac to Stinson

10/18/70 13:35:00

198th Bde, PFC Dupuy, D/1-6, at 1039H, BS696846, eng 3xVC w/wpns prox 200m N. VC evad NE. Swept & fd 3xpr PJ’s. Neg arty due to prox of frnd.

10/06/70 17:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS693968 at 1557H. Req urgent D/O for 1xUS w/snake bite. Snake was brown, 8” long. Left 2xscratches on ankle. D/O compl 1723H to 91st Evac.

10/18/70 13:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Gano, D/1-6, at 1137H, BS737857, fd several benches & what appeared to be training aids (105mm, 155mm rds dismantled). DIP.

10/18/70 16:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Dupuy, D/1-6, at 1345H, BS735852, obsr 10xVC prox 100m N. Eng w/SAF. En evad to NE. 5xVC had pks & wpns. Swept area w/neg res.

10/18/70 20:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6, at 1350H, BS735852, eng 6xVC at 100m, VC evad NE. Fired arty. Swept & fd 1xVN WBA. E vac to 91st Evac. CIA, 1xSKS.

10/19/70 16:42:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, at 1430H, BS729852, called for D/O for 1xUS w/shrapnel wnd in right leg. Carrying M79, stumbled & fell, wpn went off, shrapnel hit him, res: 1xUS WNB. D/O compl 1500H to 27th Surg. Man who tripped was man who was wounded.

10/19/70 18:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1310H, BS733842, (en) BS730840, obsr 4xVN at 500m evad SE. Neg pk or wpn. D Copursued & fd 4xstruct 8’x10’, 1xstruct showed signs of recent use. Fd: 1xUS H/gren (M26), 16lbs rice, 50 rds M60 ammo, cooking utensils. All items evac to Dottie

10/19/70 18:25:00

At BS746843, Helix obsr 2xbnkrs. D swept & fd 7xtunnels, 2xbnkrs. Fd 3xstraw hats, 1xpr PJ’s. Tunnel showed signs of recent activity. Tunnel & bnkrs will be dest.

10/20/70 19:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Masten, D/1-6 at 1510H, BS729851, obsr 1xVC. Eng w/SAF, res: 1xVC KIA. CIA: 1xSKS (SN 76329). VC was approx 25m N, wearing blue unif & pistol belt. On belt he had 2xChicom H/gren. Wpns will be extr to Dottie.

10/20/70 12:35:00

198th Bde, LT Moody, D/1-6, at 1120H, BS713977, obsr 10-15xVC w/pks & wpns 1300m S. Fired arty. A LOH VR’d w/neg res.

10/20/70 17:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1130H, BS705858, dtn 1xVN male mov fr W to E. Neg ID & unk age. Was wearing neg pk or wpn. He had poncho & bag of rice. Extr to Dottie.

10/27/70 09:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 0804H, BS592834, det B/T M18A mine w/TWFD, res: 6xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0820H to 91st Evac & 27th Surg. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, Sgt Weeks; C/S, MAJ Cox; G-3, MAJ Peppers. 1945 198th Bde, Sp Bonsack, D/1-6, req mine dog. Pick up 0700H at Arty Hill pad. Appr: G-3, CPT Blevins. Ntfy: 63d CTT, Sgt Bland; 198th Bde, Sgt Lark.

11/06/70 04:55:00

198th Bde, PFC Hatfield, D/1-6, at 0335H, BS691805, saw 1xVC mov towards perimeter, eng w/SAF at approx 20m. VC fled. Swept area w/neg res.

11/07/70 11:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green, D/1-6, at 1017H, BS598809, req urgent D/O for 1xVNF w/cut artery in her arm. D/O compl at 1020H to Quang Ngai.

11/07/70 21:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack, D/1-6 & PF #53, at 1800H, BS703827, while on ptl, fd 5xstruct & 2xtunnels. Tunnels: 2’x3’; struct 8’x10’. Obsr 5xVC evad NW prox 200m. Eng w/SAF & swept area w/neg res. PF dest struct & tunnels.

11/08/70 14:15:00

199th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 & PF #53, at 1125H, BS703829, fd 2xrecently constructed struct made out of bamboo & straw 6’x10 located in rocky area & well concealed. Fd inside: 1xUS helmet liner, 10lbs potatoes, 1xUS claymore mine. PF kept potatoes & dest claymore & struct.

11/09/70 16:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, at 1230H, BS701831, while mov along trail, det unk type B/T w/PTFD, res: 2xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 1237H to 27th Surg. Crater 30” in dia & 10” deep.

11/10/70 18:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1545H, BS603808, req priority D/O for ARVN who det B/T M16 rd toe-popper. D/O compl t 1550H to 27th Surg. (Info only)

11/11/70 17:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark. D/1-6 & PF #30, at 1520H, BS742835, 1xVN male det bouncing betty apers. D/O compl at 1405H to 91st Evac. (Info only)

11/12/70 15:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark. D/1-6, at 1517H, BS691814, fd B/T cannister of pineapple H/gren w/TWFD. DIP.

11/12/70 16:26:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark. D/1-6, at 1559H, BS691814, fd 1xB/T coke can filled w/petna w/smoke striker & trip wire. At BS691815, fd 81mm rd B/T w/TWFD. Res: DIP.

11/18/70 14:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1200H, BS698865, on ptl obsr & eng 7xVC in a struc w/SAF approx 15m S. Rec 1xHG in rtn fire. Res: 3xVC KIA, 4xVC CIA. CIA: 4xAK47, 4xChicom H/gren, 5xAK47 mag w/50 rds, 1xUS pistol belt, misc med supplies, 3xUS WIA(E). While waiting for D/O, dtn 1xMAF shot in hip & broken leg. D/O US & MAF compl 1245H to 91st Evac & 27th Surg. 4xDtn & other gear will be extr to Dottie. All wore blk PJ’s & sandals.

11/18/70 15:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1440H, BS694896, on ptl eng w/SAF 1xVC w/wpn prox 350m to NW. Swept area w/neg res.

11/20/70 14:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 0947H, BS682856, spotted 6xVC in open w/pks & wpns prox 600m to W. Req Arty. Swept area w/neg res. Arty was fired.

11/20/70 16:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1522H, on ptl at BS717882, fd 1xB/T can of petna w/smoke grenade striker & M16 rd as detonator. Set in ground w/TW. DIP w/neg crater. NCD

11/21/70 10:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 0845H, D/1-6 BS712898, (en) 708898, obsr 3xVC wearing blk PJ’s w/pk & wpn at BS712898 prox 300m SE. Eng w/SAF. VC rtn SAF & evad SE. Mov into vil at that loc & fd 1xChicom H/gren. Neg arty fired due to vil. Another element obsr 10xVC wearing blk PJ’s w/pks & wpns at BS708898 prox 500m. Did not eng because of frnd in area. VC evad. HELIX made VR w/neg sightings. Swept area w/neg res.

11/21/70 19:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 1801H, BS705897, dtn 2xVN males, neg ID, 1xwas 30 yrs old, other 35 yrs old. 1xhad bullet wnd in foot. Will evac to IPW. Res: 2xMAM dtn, 1xwearing blk bottom & white top, 1xwearing blk PJ’s & straw hat.

11/22/70 17:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, at 1500H, BS705897, fd 1xstruc, next to struc fd hole covered by board. In hole fd 1x60mm mort tube (homemade), 2xpieces metal tubing for mort tubes, 1xpiece det cord 6”-8” long, 1xcanteen cup (US), 1xUS towel, 1xroll trip wire. All items to Dottie

11/23/70 08:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 0720H, BS714867, sweeping vil dtn 1xMAM attempting to evad fr struc wearing blk PJ’s w/neg ID. CIA: 8xblasting caps. In struc fd docus, 1xbandolier w/3xChicom H/gren, assorted med sup. Will be extr to Dottie. Did not destroy struc because it was part of built up area of vil.

11/23/70 14:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1405H, BS712897, in day laager, captured 1xVCS who walked into day laager psn. He said he was VC leader & knew loc of 5xVC at grid BS707905. Unit will cordon this loc tonight & then search at 1st light. VCS was wearing blue PJ’s w/neg wpn or pk. He had some docus on him. VCS & docus will be extr to Dottie.

11/23/70 18:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, at 1700H, BS705897, obsr 3xVC w/pks & wpns wearing light blue unif. Eng prox 100m N, res: 1xMAM WIA/Dtn. CIA: 1xpistol belt, 2xhammocks, 1x1st aid pouch. D/O compl 1730H to 91st Evac. Other 2xVC evad N. Neg unit ID. Items will be extr to Dottie. Arty fired w/unk res.

11/23/70 20:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 1910H, BS723876, obsr mov 200m N. Fired mort & Illum. Swept area w/neg res.

11/24/70 05:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Hatfield. D/1-6, at 0215H, BS700906, while on srch of vil, eng w/SAF 1xVC evad fr struc, res: 1xVC KIA, 2xMAM dtn. Srch struc & dtn 2xMAM, CIA: 2xpistol belts, 3xChicom H/gren, 2xM26 H/gren, 3xpks, unk amt docus. Will evac to Dottie. Processed arty illum. Flareship on sta at 0335H. Cont sweep of vil. Flareship broke sta 0400H. Will sweep vil again at first light.

11/24/70 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 0735H, BS720870, on ptl obsr 6xVC w/pks & blk PJ’s prox 900m NE. Arty not fired because of vil. VR couldn’t obsr anything.

11/24/70 15:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Dupuy. D/1-6, at 1407H, BS700862, fd 1xtunnel 25m long, reinforced w/bamboo. DIP. Neg signs of recent use

11/25/70 13:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1145H, BS678862, obsr 5xVC w/pks & 1xwpn prox 50m S wearing blk PJ’s. Eng w/SAF & swept area w/neg res.

11/25/70 19:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 1805H, BS723877, obsr 3xVC w/pks & wpns, prox 200m S. Eng w/SAF & arty fired. Swept w/neg res.

11/26/70 06:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 252303H BS717873, eng 2xVC prox 20-30m to N w/SAF. Neg rtn fire. VC evad to E. Processed illum & 81mm mort. Swept area w/neg res.

11/27/70 03:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 0245H, BS709863, on sweep of vil obsr 4xVC evad, 3xw/wpns & pks, approx 75m. Eng w/SAF, res: 1xMAM CIA, neg pk or wpn, wearing blk PJ’s, (had 1xbag of opium). Other VC evad SE. Swept area & fd blood trails. Firing arty block at this time. Evac CIA to IPW tomorrow. 0530 198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, req 1xtracker dog Tm, will pick up at Divarty pad at 0700H. Appr: G3, CPT Blevins. Ntfy: 198th Bde, Sp Bonsack; 63d CTT, Sgt Remento.

11/28/70 12:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, req a tracker dog tm. Will pick up at Divarty pad at 1300H. Appr: G3, CPT Parrish. Ntfy: 63d CTT, LT Allen; 198th Bde, Sgt Green. 1225 198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, at 1110H, BS722855, obsr 2xVC prox 600m E w/pks & wpns coming out of tunnel. VC talked to 3xVN. D Co eng prox 100m, 1xVC evad. Res: 1xVC KIA, wearing blk PJ’s, sandals. CIA: 4xpks, docus, 200 lbs rice. Body srch neg unit ID. Arty was fired as blocking force. CIA: items will be extr to Dottie. Dtn 1xMAF, age 20 yrs, wearing blk PJ’s, 1xfem 15 yrs old, & 1xmale child w/neg ID. Will extr to Dottie. The rucksack that was also fd contained: 5xponchos, 2xARVN unif, 3xsets blk PJ’s, 2xUS M26 H/gren, 2xhammocks, 1xbottle whisky, notebook, 3xUS canteens, 1xmachete, assorted med supplies, 1xbag marijuana.

11/28/70 17:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 1555H, BS720853, with tracker dog following blood trail fr previous contact for 1,500m, were fired upon 2xtimes. Rtn w/SAF & VC evad into woodline approx 100m. Fired on frnd trps again. D Co rtn w/SAF & swept area, 1xVC KIA by SAF wearing blk PJ’s. Could not find wpn. A srch of body revealed neg ID. Res: 1xVC KIA.

11/29/70 06:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6, at 1110H, 28 Nov, BS722855, obsr 2xVC, eng w/SAF prox 100m, VC rtn SAF. Res: 1xUS WIA(M).

12/02/70 08:48:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack. D/1-6 conducted CA fr Dottie at 0848H to BS697955, 723937, 702924, 686936, compl at 0941H.

12/02/70 12:58:00

198th Bde, LT Howard. R, C&D/1-6, Recon plat conducted Extr fr BS789860 at 1030H to Dottie compl at 1040H

12/03/70 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, at 0730H, BS712892, dtn 2xMAF wearing blk PJ’s, age 25 & 40, neg ID. 1xMAM w/blk PJ’s, age 35, neg ID but had 15-20 docus, 10’ trip wire & small amt of time files. All extr to Dottie.

12/04/70 11:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. D/1-6, at 032350H, BS695955, on raid, obsr 3-4xpers evad fr struc. Dtn 3xMAF wearing blk PJ’s & neg ID. Will be extr to Dottie.

12/04/70 13:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey. D/1-6, at 1240H, BS690932, obsr 10xVC in open rice paddy carrying unk amt small arms prox 00m to N. Eng w/arty & will sweep. (UPDATE) At 1648H, swept area w/neg res.

12/05/70 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green., D/1-6. At 0830H, BS705918, while on ptl on 041940H at prox 600m obsr 5xVC to S. Arty fired. Swept area at 0830H w/neg res.

12/05/70 12:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green, D/1-6, at 0945H, BS669947, ptl dtn 1xMAF. She will be evac to IPW ASAP. D is still waiting for her friends to come.

12/06/70 00:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS703972, at 052308H. Obsr 4xVC mov W to E, prox 100m SSE. Could not determine whether they carried wpns. Eng w/SAF, fired illum, swept area w/neg res. Will sweep again at first light.

12/06/70 03:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Bonsack, D/1-6, BS703972, at 0240H. While in amb heard mov to E prox 50-100m. Eng w/SAF. Heard more mov to E, fr est 6xVC prox 50m. Eng w/SAF. Swept area w/neg res. Rtn to amb area. Heard mov to S prox 100m. `Eng w/SAF. Will sweep at first light.

12/06/70 12:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS703921, at 1030H. Fd 3xpacks in hedgerow w/component for 40xChicom H/gren. Neg explo in sacks Extr to Dottie.

12/10/70 01:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark. At 092025H, D/1-6, at BS614945 obsr 1xcampfire, prox 200m, mov to w/in 50m of area, heard voices & eng w/SAF. Obsr 2xVC evad to N, searched area. Res: Fnd 3xstruc, 5xhammocks, 3xpks, 3cVC ponchos, 2xpr blk PJ’s, personal items, 20xrds AK47 ammo, 1xUS aid pouch, 1xcooking pot of rice, 3xcooking pots of potatoes, 1xM33 H/gren, 2xpistol belts, 2xcanteens, 25 lbs rice. Will search more at first light.

12/10/70 15:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS663953 at 1420H. Fd a jug in bushes w/75 lbs unpol rice, good cond, loc grown, this year’s crop. Will extr to Dottie. Neg markings.

12/11/70 09:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey at 0915H, D/1-6 cond armv fr BS668962, 690958, 683938, 719918 to Dottie, compl cold at 1110H.

12/15/70 10:40:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 1000H, D/1-6 at BS678814, while on ptl obsr & eng 5xVC w/SAF at prox 50m NW, res: 1xVC KIA, w/rest evad NW. On req, 4.2 mort were used in blocking fire. Numerous blood trails fd & tracker dog tm req & used w/neg res. Fnd in area were 3xpacks cont: 1xhammock; 3xponchos, 1xVC lighter, 30 non elect blasting caps, 1xCCHG, 2xpr blk PJ, 1xpr blue PJ, 1xfull AK47 mag, 1xM26 H/gren & diary w/names of enemy killed in that area. The men were wearing blk PJ’s. Body searched & neg ID or docu. CIA: 1xAK47 (#12062871), 1xM1 Cbn (#7020895).

12/16/70 12:55:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 0840H, D/1-6 cond Eagle Flt fr BS702802 to BS732875, 719877, 722855, 728845, 715844, 717846. Compl cold at 1150H.

12/17/70 02:30:00

198th Bde, PFC Hatfield. At 162100H-162200H, D/1-6 at BS688818 obsr 8xVC prox 700m E, arty HE & illum fired, en evad N, neg res.

12/17/70 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 1207H, D/1-6, at BS589790 on ptl rec 3xrds sniper fire fr a ville, NCD, did not rtn SAF. In struc fd 105mm rd not B/T, DIP, 80xM60 rds, 500 lbs unpol rice, edible, loc grown, not in container, fd in bin & bagged prior to extr to Dottie. Fd 1xB40 rkt, DIP, struc dest, signs of rec use. 1405 198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 1250H, D/1-6 at BS589790 det a 105mm B/T w/PRD on a trail leading to a struc. Crater 3’x3’x3’. D/O compl 1305H to 27th Surg, one man being DOA. Res: 2xUS WIA(E).

12/19/70 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene. At 1147H, D/1-6 at BS688818, on patrol obsr 5xVC w/pks, wpns prox 700m E. VC were mov E. Arty fired. VC evad E. Swept area & fd blood trails & 3xpacks cont: 4xponchos, women’s clothes; blk PJ’s, surgical gear, picture of VN holding AK47, pers items, docu. Will extr to Dottie. Req tracker dog, but none available as they were in training at time.

12/21/70 22:40:00

198th Bde, PFC Hatfield. At 1405-1730H, D/1-6 & F/8 Cav cond Eagle Flt fr BS720814, 704881, 715883, 676886, 672905, 676886 to BS704815, 715883, 676886, 672905, compl cold at 1730H.

12/22/70 07:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Fort. At 211900H, D/1-6 at BS703826, while in NDP spotted a campfire prox 2000m, arty fired, expended 25 HE rds (105mm), 1xWP rd, res: campfire went out. Swept area at first light w/neg res.

12/27/70 17:32:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene. At 1630H, D/1-6 at BS673877 on ptl, unit eng 1xVC MAM prox 50m to N w/SAF. Res: 1xVC WIA/CIA, wearing blk PJ’s, 17 yrs old. Neg ID. Had pack, 2xponchos, 2xhammocks, and a pic of a VC woman holding an AK-47. D/O compl at 1655H to 91st Evac. All other extr to Dottie

12/30/70 19:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hatfield. At 1847H, D/1-6 at BT682885 in day defense pos fnd 1x81mm HE rd, prox 50m NW of site in open terrain. Not B/T and DIP w/NCD

12/31/70 20:45:00

198th Bde, LT Haslett. At 2025H, D/1-6 at BS679881 while in NDP rec 3-5 rds of M-79 fire prox 200m to NE, rtn w/SAF, M-79, & M-60. Also fired arty illum and swpt area, neg en cas. At 2110H, rfec TAC(E) resupply for ammo, 2120H TAC(E) compl, by 198th approval, COL Richardson, G-3, MAJ Peppers. Res: 3xUS WIA(E). D/O compl at 2132H to 91st Evac.

12/31/70 20:45:00

BS679881, D/1-6 rec M-79 rds, res: 3xUS WIA(E). Ntfy: XXIV Corps, MAJ Hoffman. Rec fr 198th Bde, LT Haslett.

1/02/71 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Fort. At 1250H, D/1-6 at BS682918, fd tunnel w/3xB/T consisting of petna, 81mm mort rd, and C-4 w/PTFD. DIP all, neg signs of rec use.

1/04/71 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 1235H, D/1-6 at BS668878, in amb obsr 1xVC w/pack, neg wpn, prox 800m mov S. Pursued VC into Tam Hoi Hamlet. Approx 20m fr ville rec 20xrds of SAF, swept ville w/neg res. Obsr 1xVC w/pack and wpn prox 1000m mov S. Arty fired, swpt w/neg res.

1/05/71 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. At 1310H, D/1-6 at BS673894, on ptl obsr & eng w/SAF 10xVC w/packs & wpns wearing blk PJ’s at prox 200m SW. VC evad S. Swept area and fd one blood trail running SE and one going SW. Also fd 2xpacks cont numerous AK rds, electrical blasting caps, 4xRPG stabilizers, RPG fuel propellant and docu. While srch eng 1xVC hiding in brush w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA, req tracker dog tm and air cav and arty blocking fire, and all rec. G/S left sta at 1350H. Pysops tm fr Dottie also employed. Update: at 1617H, Sp Fort rept that while following blood trails elm det B/T w/4xUS WIA & 1xKCS KIA. D/O compl to 27 Surg at 1605H. B/T was at BS674894 in hedgerow, had TWFD. Tracker dog tm was following footprints, crater size 3’x4’. Two of the evac were D/O to CHL, 91st Evac. CIA docu are at IPW, show VC to be w/K-51 elm. Wpn evac to Dottie w/100 rds AK-47 ammo. Wpn was AK-47, VC had neg ID.

1/06/71 07:05:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. At 0635H, D/1-6 at BS668890 while leaving amb eng w/SAF 3xVC at 50m to E. Fired illum and are swp area now. Swpt & fd a good blood trail, followed it until it ran out. Led to same area as contact yesterday, req tracker dog and none avail so req tunnel dog & arrangements made. Neg further findings.

1/07/71 08:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 0715H, D/1-6 at BS674894, det M-26 H/gren B/T w/TWFD in a hedgerow opening. Res: 6xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0735H to 91st Evac (5), 1xUS to 27th Surg. Crater 6”x12”.

1/11/71 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. At 0729H, D/1-6 cond a CA fr Dottie to BS678862, 665893, 682876, 682912, compl cold 0836H

1/12/71 18:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. At 1704H, D/1-6 at BS672894, obsr 2xVC in grn unif w/2 packs & wpns, one VC in blue PJ’s w/pack & wpn at approx 500m to E, arty fired. Swp w/neg res.

1/18/71 13:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene. d/1-6, BS687903 at 1055H. On ptl fd 1xpack & 1xcrate w/med supplies (2xscapels, 3xmed books, records, 40xplastic tubes of vitamins, 50xglass tubes vitamins, 3xVC syringes, 25xantiseptic, 3xIV sets, 1xbag clothes, 1xbag pol rice). At 1120H, in vic fd 1xtunnel camf by grass. Inside dtn: 2xMAF in blk PJ’s, neg ID, 1xMAM in blue

1/18/71 15:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. At 1500H, D/1-6 at BS687903 fd 2d tunnel, 75m fr the other tunnel. Fired C/S int tunnel & dtn 2xMAM in blk PJ’s, neg ID. CIA 2xpacks, will extr to Dottie. KCS said they were doctors

1/19/71 14:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, BS674878, at 1400H. On ptl fd in open area: 1xNVA pistol belt, 3xUS ammo pouches, 1xVC pack, 1xUS T-shirt. Will extr to Dottie. Arty recently fired in area

1/21/71 13:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey. At 1130H, D/1-6 at BS704902 fd tunnel 3’x3’x20’, checked & fd 1xM-1 Cbn, neg rec actv in the area. Dest tunnel, evac the Cbn.

1/21/71 14:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Green. At 1245H, D/1-6 at BS687913, returning fr ptl dtn 1xVN MAM hiding in high grass, wearing blk, neg ID, & tried to resist when dtn. Had scars on stomach & back, possibly fr gun or frag, will extr to Binh Son.

1/23/71 09:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene. D/1-6, BS671890 at 0808H. On ptl obsr 3xMAM prox 150m E in blk PJ’s, neg pack or wpn. While in pursuit det a B/T M-26 H/gren w/TWFD in hedgerow opening. Res: 2xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0821H to 91st Evac. 1xUS DOA. VC evad successfully.

1/25/71 18:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy. D/1-6, BS657891 at 1715H. Det a M-16A1 AP mine w/PFD. Res: 1xUS KIA, 2xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 1731H to 91st Evac.

1/26/71 10:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6. Cond an extr at 0823H fr BS654888, BS683905, BS684917 to Dottie. Compl 1013H

1/26/71 11:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey. 116 Avn, BS668891 at 0915H. Obsr & eng 1xVC wearing blk PJ’s w/wpn w/unk res. Will send D/1-6 in to sweep area

1/31/71 09:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6. Unit cond a CA fr Dottie at 0815H to BS503889, 488892, 503903 & 5139912. Compl cold at 0920H

1/31/71 14:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS522923 at 1350H. Fd 3xstruc 4’x6’ and inside fd 10xlbs cooked rice in each struc. Also fd 150 lbs pol rice along trail going to struc. At BS521922 fd 8xtunnels 4’x3’x4’. Will amb this area tonight & extr rice in AM.

1/31/71 20:45:00

D/1-6 rec M-79 rds, res: 3xUS WIA(E). Ntfy: XXIV Corps, MAJ Hoffman. Rec fr 198th Bde, LT Haslett.

1/31/71 21:32:00

Ref Item #14, time of contact for D/1-6 is 2025H. Rec fr 198th Bde, PFC Hatfield. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, MAJ Church. 2138 198th Bde, Req TAC “E” in order to resupply D/1-6 w/ammo. Appr: COL Richardson; G-3, MAJ Peppers. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, MAJ Church.

1/31/71 22:30:00

D/1-6 emergency resupply complete at 2217H. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, MAJ Church. Rec fr 198th Bde, LT Haslett

2/03/71 09:05:00

D/1-6, BS517916 at 0845H. Obsr 1xVC dressed in blk PJ’s, w/wpn, prox 300m SE. Arty req & fired. VC evaded. D/1-6 eng w/SAF, swept area w/neg res.

2/03/71 13:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS478912 at 1340H. Obsr 3xVC wearing cam fatigues w/pks & 1xwpn, prox 150m W. Eng w/SAF. VC evad W into treeline. D believes 1xis wounded. Swept area & fd a sandal. Did not find blood trail but req tracker dog tm.

2/03/71 14:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS478912 at 1600H. While using tracker dog tm rec SAF fr woodline prox 50m W, NCD. Rtn SAF, swept area w/neg res.

2/04/71 10:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS507905 at 0920H. Eng w/SAF 5xVC w/pks & wpns mov S-N. Res: 2xVC KIA wearing blk PJ’s. Body searched, neg unit ID. CIA: 2x.38 cal pistol, med supplies, docu. Will extr to Dottie. 3xVC evad W. They had 2xAK-47. Arty fired w/neg res.

2/05/71 16:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS515916 at 1300H. Obsr mov, arty fired w/1xsecondary explo. Swept area, fd 1xcan petna near crater 2’x1’. Petna DIP.

2/05/71 17:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS506916 at 1540H. Obsr 12xVC w/pks & wpns, prox 1300m NW. A ptl maneuvered in pursuit w/neg res. Due to prox of friendly, neg arty used

2/10/71 14:40:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS517920 at 1400H. D/1-6 fd 1xstruc 10’x20’. Inside fd 10-15xlbs cooked rice, 1xpr tennis shoes, unk type rd (dia 4-6”, length 18-20”) w/fins & oriental writing, an NVA flashlight, cigarette lighter and brown unk type plastic mine. The struc will be dest. An EOD tm will take charge of the explosives.

2/10/71 20:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS500930 at 1837H. Mov to check voices in struc. Rec 1xHG. Rtn w/SAF. Will sweep at first light. 1xUS WIA(E), D/O compl 1855H to 27th Surg.

2/15/71 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, unit cond a CA fr PZ at Dottie at 0800H to BS723852, 727872, 705882, 706863, compl cold at 0900H

2/16/71 11:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS720878 at 0925H. Dtn 9xVN fem (ages 20-60), wearing blk PJ’s w/neg ID; dtn 11xMAM, 10xwearing blk PJ’s, 1xwearing white PJ’s. All have neg ID. National Police will interrogate. All released except for MAM in white PJ’s. Will extr to Dottie.

2/16/71 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, 1220H. At BS730856 fd 1xtunnel 2’x2’x8’, entrance B/T w/M26 H/gren w/TWFD. Res: H/gren dest. Searched tunnel w/neg findings. Res: DIP. BS725861 fd B/T M79 rd w/TWFD located in garden on side of hill. Res: DIP

2/16/71 13:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS720857 at 1230H. On patrol obsr 2xMAF in field attempting to evade. Dtn 1xMAF, blk PJ’s, neg ID. Extr to Binh Son. 1440 198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS720872 at 1410H. While on patrol fd 150 lbs unpol rice stored in metal can, located in hedgerow. Nearby was 5’x5’ sleeping pos. Will evac rice to Dottie & amb area tonight.

2/16/71 16:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS725867 at 1550H. Rec 3-5xrds SAF prox 500m NE. Obsr 2xVC evad, neg pk or wpn. Dtn 2xMAM, neg ID, blk PJ’s. Will extr to Binh Son. Dtn had docu

2/17/71 09:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS724872 at 0900H. Obsr & eng 3xVC wearing blk PJ’s, 1xw/wpn. Res: 1xMAM dtn WIA(E) w/neg ID. Will D/O when resupply bird is available. It is minor wound & CIA is walking w/the unit.

2/17/71 11:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS699850 at 1105H. Dtn 1xVC suspect, MAM w/neg ID, wearing blk PJ’s. Had a rice knife and hiding in hedgerow. Will extr to Binh Son. 1140 198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS722857 at 1120H. On patrol fd a tunnel 2’x2’x6’ lined w/rocks. Will be dest. Neg signs

2/18/71 11:40:00

198th Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6, BS730845 at 1015H. Fd 2xpressure release B/T (2 lbs of petna) located inside a hole by a trail. DIP. B/T connected to a fuse lighter and 3xupright wires.

2/19/71 07:45:00

198th Bde, LT Haslett, D/1-6, BS728866 at 090635H. D/1-6 had mech amb det. Res: 4xVN children WIA(E), 12-15 yrs old. Mech amb was M18A1 (Claymore). Investigation to follow. Ntfy: CofS, COL Clark; G3, MAJ Helton; G1, CPT Sprouse; XXIV Corps, W.S.

2/20/71 12:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS714842 at 1120H. On patrol det unk type B/T, believed to be can of C4. 5xUS WIA(E). Req urgent D/O, compl 1145H to CHL. B/T located in rice paddy, had TWFD, neg trail or hedgerow. Left crater 2’x10”. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, PFC Franklin; C/S, COL Clark; G3, MAJ Helton

2/20/71 16:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6, BS713862 at 1405H. While searching vil, dtn 1xVN MAM, 35 yrs old w/neg ID. Only person in area. Evac to Binh Son. Also fd a tunnel, CS will be employed on tunnel.

2/22/71 10:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS710865 at 1015H. While on patrol det M26 H/gren B/T w/TWFD located in cactus bush. Res: 3xUS WIA(E), D/O by LOH to LZ Dottie. 2xof US were evac to CHL fr Dottie

2/24/71 20:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6,BS731873 at 1920H. Fd & dest 1x81mm illum canister filled w/unk explo. Fd in hedgerow w/TWFD. Crater 1 ½’ x 1’.

2/25/71 12:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6, BS723850 at 1130H. Fd a tunnel in an L-shape hedgerow w/3xmajor entrances. Were 3’x3’ openings. It led to chambers 6’x6’. The tunnels were 3-4’ high and 20-30’ long. Chambers could house 20xpeople each. All will be dest today after resupply of demolition. Had not been used for several months.

2/28/71 05:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS716839 at 1415H. Fd 1xbnkr 5’x5’x4’, had 3’ rock on top w/thick walls. Dest w/neg findings.

3/03/71 18:55:00

198th Bde, LT Garwood, D/1-6, BS573816 at 1639H. Rec SAF and AWF fr approx 250-300m. There were 10-15xstruc in area. Took fire fr 2xdirections. After R/S of ammo, unit will maneuver into village w/G/S. Permission granted for arty on vil if needed. R/S acft evac 1xVN fem WIA to CHL at 1930H. G/S on station 1715H, neg obsr. Broke station at 1750H. While sweeping area rec SAF fr BS564812. G/S on station 1915H, neg obsr. Broke station at 1950H. R/S of ammo compl 1910H. Neg res.

3/03/71 19:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS573816 at 1639H. In day laager rec est 100-200 rds SAF. Rtn fire & obsr VC evad BS580808. Pursued and were pinned down by SAF approx 100m, rec 100-200 more rds SAF. G/S req at 1700H, on station 1715H. Provided security while unit swept area. G/S obsr fresh tunnels and eng w/unk res. At 1700H, req D/O for 1xVN civ male w/head wound. Compl to 91st Evac at 1715H.

3/04/71 19:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS569815 at 1830H. While dest 105mm rd B/T w/TWFD rec 200-300 rds SAF prox 200-600m W. Rtn SAF w/unk res. Neg arty due to unk loc. NCD. Swept w/neg res.

3/05/71 21:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Fort, 1/D/1-6, BS569815, (en) BS566816 at 1930H. While in NDP rec 200-250 rds SAF. Rtn w/SAF. D/1-1 on station at 2010H. Broke station at 2015H to refuel and rearm. D/1-1 on station at 2020H. Expended on suspected en loc. Broke station at 2025H. D/1-1 (Night Hawk) on station again at 2025H. Broke station at 2200H. While on station dest 3xstruc after he rec SAF fr them. Res: 1xUS WIA(E), D/O compl 2030H to 91st Evac. DOA.

3/05/71 21:50:00

198th Bde, LT Haslett, D/1-6, BS567818 at 1740H. While mov to amb rec SAF fr SW & W approx 300m. Rtn w/SAF and fired arty. G/S on station 1855H and rec SAF. G/S expended on suspected en loc. Broke station at 1920H. Night Hawk on station 1920H. Rec SAF. Expended on susp en loc’s. Broke station 2030H. G/S & Night Hawk had unk res, D/1-6 will sweep at first light.

3/06/71 18:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6, BS564806 at 1750H. Rec 50 rds of SAF prox 300m SW. Rtn SAF, arty fired. Swept area w/neg res.

3/07/71 17:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Forrey, D/1-6, BS583813 at 1700H. Rec 10 rds SAF fr W and approx 500m fr est 1xVC. Rtn w/SAF and 81mm mort. LOH VR’d area and unit swept w/neg res.

3/08/71 11:50:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS576797 at 1010H. Obsr 2xVC w/1xwpn talking to VN fem approx 100m W. Eng w/SAF. Res: 1xVC KIA, male 19 yrs, tan unif. Other VC and fem evad W.

3/09/71 10:25:00

198th Bde, Sp Dupuy, D/1-6 and B/26 Engr, BS573817, (en) BS573821. Rec 8x60mm rds and SAF. Res: 3xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 1040H to 91st Evac. Rtn SAF, mort fired. Swept area & fd tunnel complex. Req a tunnel dog tm. Will pick up at Div Arty pad at 1120H. Appr: 63d CTT, Sgt Wilson. Saber 74 on station at 1040H. Broke station at 1105H w/neg res.

3/10/71 04:54:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS583813 at 090800H. Det B/T H/gren w/TWFD. Crater 6”x3”x3”. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0814H to 91st Evac.

3/11/71 07:30:00

198th Bde, Sgt Forrey, D/1-6, BS566828 at 0530H. Dtn 2xMAM, 1xMAF, neg ID. Will extr to Binh Son.

3/11/71 16:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, A,D/1-6 & B/26 Engr. At 1345H at BS572817 a mine detector revealed a probable mine. While probing for it, it det. Believed to be a 25 lb charge, crater 6’x6’x3’. Res: 2xUS KIA and 6xUS WIA(E), D/O compl 1350H to 91st Evac and 27th Surg. 4xD/O to 27th Surg (while there, 2xwere released & taken to 91st Evac). Also other 2xwere (M) and taken to Engr Aid Station, treated & released. At the time D/O came in he heard an explo fr a B40 det (not a mine). Searched & fd crater 6’x6’x3’, NCD. At 1345H at BS570816 rec 2xB40 rkts & 4x60mm rds w/NCD. At 1420H atBS570816 D/1-6 rec 12xrds SAF. Rtn w/SAF and 81mm rds, NCD. A/1-6 at same time reported 50xVN mov ahead ofcattle at BS578808. At 1500H at BS568817 A/1-6 fd 1xB40 rkt slightly damaged. DIP. Swept w/neg further res. Arty willbe fired tonight.

3/11/71 20:00:00

26 Engr, Sp Kroll, B/26 Engr & D/1-6, BS576816 at 1810H. While rtn to NDP rec SAF & unk amt B40 rkts. NCD. At 2005H rec more SAF and B40 fr 300m N. D/1-6 rtn w/SAF & 81mm mort w/unk res. Will sweep area at first light.

3/12/71 12:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Forrey, D/1-6, (en) BS565830 at 1110H. Obsr 4xVC w/packs evad into a village approx 1000m. Did not fire arty due to prox of friendly village.

3/12/71 14:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS560824 at 1315H. Rec SAF fr 3-4xloc approx 100m S. Rtn w/SAF & arty. Req Air Cav and B/123 on station at 1405H. Checked village and interrogated some individuals. Also swept area w/neg res.

3/12/71 14:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS561823 at 1300H. Unit dtn 1xVN male, 19 yrs, neg ID or docu, wearing green unif. Extr to Son Tinh. At 1308H, fd 1xVN civ KIA who had det B/T. Been dead approx 2xhrs. Wearing light green clothes, neg ID or docu.

3/20/71 12:10:00

198th Bde, Sgt Dupuy, D/1-6 and B/26 Engr, BS562816 at 1102H. 5xton truck det an unk type mine w/PFD on Stinson road. Crater 4’x5’. Res: 5xUS WIA(E) (3xfr D/1-6, 2xfr B/26). As D/O was leaving, prop wash det 105mm rd w/TWFD in tree. Res: 1xUS WIA(E) fr D/1-6. D/O compl 5xUS WIA(E) 1125H to 27th Surg. 5xton a combat loss. D/O NCD. Ntfy: G2, SSG Reule; G3, LTC Saint; XXIV Corps, Sp Franklin.

3/20/71 13:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Dupuy, D/1-6, BS561816 at 1030H. Fd 1x105mm rd w/TWFD in hedgerow. DIP. Crater 6”x18”.

3/26/71 14:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS567824 at 1430H. Dtn 4xMAF (16-17, neg ID, blk PJ’s). MAF were dtn while on ptl. Will evac to CHL. Classification civil defendant.

3/26/71 18:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS565838 at 1742H. Obsr 2xVC w/pk & wpn prox 800m N. VC evad, dtn 1xMAF, neg ID, blk blue PJ’s in area. Extr to Dottie.

3/26/71 19:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS589817 at 1730H. While on ptl fd 1xB/T 155mm rd w/TWFD. Fd on trail. DIP.

3/27/71 07:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Hatfield, D/1-6, (en) BS561811 at 0330H. While on raid of vil dtn 1xMAF (age 20-25, blk PJ’s, neg ID). Will evac to Dottie.

3/27/71 09:30:00

198th Bde, Sp Hatfield, D/1-6, BS585817 at 0910H. Fd 1xCCHG B/T w/TWFD in hedgerow. DIP

3/27/71 17:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS569816 at 1530H. Dtn 1xVN male (13) wearing grn shirt & shorts who was obsr their pos. Dtn stated he would lead them to B/T at BS5583. Was evac to Dottie.

3/29/71 03:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Greene, D/1-6, BS569815 at 0235H. Rec 3xRPG rds fr N prox 150m, nearest one was 25m outside perimeter & 2xwere duds. NCD

4/03/71 20:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Forrey, D/1-6. Unit cond a CA fr Dottie at 1817H to BS478971, 446977, 476987, and 498994, compl cold at 1905H.

4/11/71 12:05:00

198th Bde, Sp Hatfield. D/1-6 cond a CA at 1105H fr BS488990, 452970, and 503999 to BS400920, 397893 and 427891, compl cold at 1155H.

4/11/71 17:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Dupuy, D/1-6, BS431896 at 1620H. On patrol 1xUS accidentally discharged his M16 into a group of rocks. Res: 3xUS WNB(E), D/O compl 1710H to CHL. 2xUS wounded by rock fragments, 1xUS wounded by deflected bullet. Ntfy: C/S, MAJ Cox.

4/12/71 21:25:00

198th Bde, Sgt Terry, D/1-6, BS451907, (en) BS453905 at 2015H. Heard SAF. Arty fired, D/1-1 checked area w/neg res.

4/17/71 07:15:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, A/1-6 cond a CA at 0715H fr Dottie to BS405995, BT404009 and 387002, compl cold at 1002H. D/1-6 cond an extr at 0748H fr BS404906, 429898 , 452906 and 428898 to Dottie, compl cold at 1119H. R/1-6 cond an extr at 0950H fr BS457893 to Dottie, compl cold at 1002H.

4/20/71 11:15:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, C/1-6 cond an extr at 0715H fr BS428951 and 421943 to Dottie, compl cold at 1059H. D/1-6 cond a CA at 0650H fr Dottie to BS442992, 435986, BT471002 and BS483998, compl cold at 1022H. R/1-6 cond a CA at 1101H fr Dottie to BS455965, compl cold at 1115H

4/20/71 11:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Dupuy, D/1-6, BS471002 at 0850H. 71 Avn on CA obsr 1xVC w/neg pack or wpn w/blk PJ’s 100m N evad into woodline. Eng w/G/S and inserted D/1-6. D/1-6 swept w/neg res but reported solid type CS on the ground in the area.

4/20/71 15:35:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6, BS418998 at 0830H. Fd in old US NDP 7xM26 H/gren, 1xWP H/gren, 1xClaymore, 1xUS rucksack (torn), and 1xunk type mine. Used 2-3xweeks ago. Unk type mine dest. All else kept by D/1-6. Also obsr numerous empty cardboard boxes.

5/03/71 09:45:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6 cond an armv at 0658H fr Dottie to BS388953 and 398943, compl cold at 0920H.

5/03/71 13:15:00

198th Bde, Sp Hull, D/1-6, BS394943. At 1210H eng 2xNVA in tan unif and pks mov E to W prox 50m. Res: 1xNVA KIA, CIA: 2xChicom H/gren & 1xpk. Other NVA evad W. At 1230H eng 1xNVA mov W to E in tan unif and pk prox 50m. Res: 1xNVA KIA, 1xpk CIA. Will extr packs & H/gren to Dottie.

5/09/71 11:55:00

198th Bde, CPT Basner, D/1-6, (en) BS371931 at 1150H. Obsr 20-22xVC w/packs and wpns mov S- N prox 600m. Arty processed and is waiting for end of truce to fire. Also G/S enroute but will not engage until ntfy that truce is terminated. At 1205H, arty fired 67x105mm rds. G/S eng area w/unk res. At 1235H D/1-6 rec hvy SAF w/NCD. At 1308H G/S broke station. At 1425H, D Co swept and fd 6xstruc (1xmess hall, 2xbarracks and chicken coops) w/signs of rec use. At 1715H fd 3x packs w/50 rds AK47 ammo, 50xblasting caps, 3xChicom H/gren and assorted food & clothing. All will be dest. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, Sp Runyan.

5/11/71 14:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, Text: Unit cond an extr fr PZ at BS375932, BS402939 and BS364932 at 111359H to LZ at CHL (E). Compl cold at 111529H.

5/11/71 16:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Small, D/1-6, BS375932 at 111512H. 71st Avn, the last two helicopters on last PZ rec lt SAF w/possible 1xhit. G/S eng & 4.2” mort fired fr Hill 848 w/unk res.

5/16/71 09:10:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ at LZ Dottie at 160706H to LZ’s at BS469950, BS500925, BS499948, and BS475934. Compl 160907H, cold.

5/16/71 16:35:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS509813 at 161500H. Eng UNSEF. Res: 3xVC KIA. Body searched, neg ID. Dtn 1xMAM WIA(M), 1xMAF. Evac dtn to CHL IPW.Swept area fd 2xstruc w/docu & med supplies, 1xtransistor radio (civilian), 2xChicom H/gren, 4xUS hammocks, 1xcot, 6xUS ponchos, 2xUS poncho liners, 1x

5/19/71 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Hull, D/1-6. Unit cond EF’s fr PZ’s at BS505955, 493923, 479912, at 190620H to LZ’s at BS525892, 492893, 505893, 516896, 519903, 533893, 539890, 532902 and 516867. Compl 190850H

5/19/71 23:45:00

198th Bde, Sp Hatfield, D/1-6, BS503939 at 192110H. Eng est 10xVC w/SAF direct S, prox 20m, VC mov E-W. VC had pks & wpns, rtn w/SAF and evad E. Arty processed and D/1-1 diverted to area and checked, obsr heavily used trail running E-W w/neg further sightings. NCD. Did sweep w/neg res.

5/22/71 12:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Paine, 2/D/1-6, BS500942 at 221130H. 1xfemale came to unit loc, she was about 30- 40 yrs green t-shirt, blk PJ’s bottoms. Says she escaped fr VC 2 days ago, had sandbag full of C- rations. Will extr to IPW, classified IC.

5/26/71 08:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, 1/D/1-6. Unit cond a CA fr PZ at BS522982 at 260720H to LZ at BS465917. Compl cold 260730H.

5/26/71 17:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Hay, 1/D/1-6. Unit cond an extr fr PZ at BS465917 at 261615H to LZ at BS522982, compl 261655H, cold.

5/28/71 09:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6. Unit cond a CA fr PZ’s at BS478975, 513967, BS505907 at 280628H to LZ’s at BS519922, 525911, 516938 & BS528935. Compl 280650H, cold.

5/28/71 16:40:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6. Unit cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS528935, BS525941 at 281500H to LZ’s at BS508982 & BS520988, compl 281610H, cold.

5/29/71 15:00:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6. Unit cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS521920, 517938, 504784 & BS518992 at 291155H to LZ at CHL. Compl 291310H. (cold)

6/01/71 13:45:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, 3/A/1-6, BT425025 at 1345H. Obsr 30xVC w/pks & wpns prox 400m NE. Arty & 4.2” mort fired. G/S on sta 1400H. D/1-6 CA into area. Compl cold 1540H. G/S eng VC & they scattered. Several VN children evad area & reported VC had RPG’s & AK-47’s. 1955H, A/1-6 dtn 5xVC children 8-13 yrs & extr to IPW. 3/A/1-6 OPCON to D/1-6.

6/01/71 15:45:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6, Unit conducted a CA fr PZ at LZ Dottie at 011315H to LZ’s at BT417030, 424024 & BT471016, compl 0115H, cold.

6/02/71 19:00:00

198th Bde, Sp Morozoff, D/1-6, BT423038, 021820H. Eng 4xVC/NVA w/wpns & wearing camo fatigues, prox 300m SE. Evad to W.

6/03/71 09:35:00

198th Bde, Sp Morozoff, D/1-6, BT423038, 021820H. Eng 4xVC/NVA w/wpns & wearing camo fatigues, prox 300m SE. Evad to W.

6/06/71 07:50:00

198th Bde, Sp Hall, D/1-6, BS295928, 060630. 1xUS walking down trail stepped into punji pit 3”x12”x9”. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0712H to 91st Evac.

6/07/71 12:05:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6, BS265914, 071000H. Rec AWF, SAF fr UNSEF prox 50m W. Res: 1xUS KIA, rtn SF, arty fired. Helix on sta 1015H expended rkts. G/S & D/O on sta 1025H, G/S expended. Contact broken at 1115H. US KIA had fallen into a ravine and D/1-6 because of SAF was not able to mov towards him immediately. D/O was called as precautionary measure in case the US was not fatally wounded. D/O broke sta at 1125H. D/1-6 will mov to LZ for extr of US KIA. Swept contact area w/neg res.

6/08/71 18:15:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, BS264912, 081645H. Rec hvy aWF fr UNSEF prox 75m N. SA & AWF. Cont broken 1715H. Res: 4xUS WIA(E). D/O compl to 91st Evac. Swept w/neg findings.

6/09/71 16:20:00

198th Bde, Sp Paine, D/1-6, Unit cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS299919, 261913, 253924 and BS268922 at 091400H to LZ at CHL(E), compl 091612H. (Cold)

6/10/71 08:10:00

198th Bde, Sp Small, D/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 0558H to BS527925, 533928, 533934, 531924, compl 0755H (cold). NPFF & PRU’s cond a CA vr PZ at CHL(E) at 0855H to BS518928, 520949, 519948, compl 0755H (cold).`

6/11/71 13:30:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6. Unit cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS520920, BS533928, and BS531926 at 110930H to LZ at Chu Lai(E), compl 111040H. (Cold)

6/13/71 16:55:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, unit cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 131415H to LZ’s at BS406991, BS403995, BS410966 and BS412975, compl 131630H. (Cold)

6/20/71 08:20:00

198th Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ’s at BS414991, BT403010, BS409985 & BS422980 at 200710H to LZ’s at BT412073, BT432057, BT402058, BT402068, compl 200814H. (Cold)

6/21/71 18:50:00

198th Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6 at 1525H. D/1-6 req & rec fire msn fr 4.2” mort fr Hill 270. Sus en loc was BT424065, frnd loc BT426062, direction fr frnd loc was 500m. 4.2” morts fired 2xHE rds. D/1-6 added a correction of BT424063 prox 300m. Total of 5xrds fired. 2d & 3rd rds were short. Res: 2xUS WNB(E). D/O to 1-6 Med Sta. Ntfy: C/S, COL Richardson; G3,LTC Watts.

6/22/71 15:41:00

198 Bde, 1-6 Inf, A/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1410H to LZ at BT423042, compl cold at 1440H. D/1-6 Inf cond an extr fr PZ’s at BT404072, 407053, 429041 and 423067 at 1425H to LZ at CHL(E), compl cold at 1512H.

6/25/71 19:02:00

198 Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6. Unit cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 251810H to LZ’s at BS489998, BT460023, BS510982, compl 251900H. (Cold)

6/30/71 11:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Hall, D/1-6, BS469972, 301035H. Obsr & eng 2xVC w/packs & wpns, prox15m N. Res: 1xVC KIA, 25 yrs, blk PJ’s, 2xpack w/docu, 1xAK-47 CIA. Docu to 198 Bde IPW.

6/30/71 17:25:00

198 Bde, Sgt Lark, D/1-6, cond a CA fr PZ’s at BT482024 & BS500998 at 1525H to LZ’s at BS468956 & BS472942, compl 1600H. (Cold). C/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ at CHL at 1625H to LZ at BS486883, compl 1740H. (Cold)

7/10/71 08:40:00

198 Bde, LT Bilstrom, D/1-6. Unit cond an extr fr PZ at BS448973, BS453967 & BS470934 at 0735H to LZ at CHL(E), compl 0812H. (Cold)

7/13/71 10:52:00

198 Bde, Sgt Simon, D/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1052H to LZ’s at BT373018, 375007, compl cold at 1323H. C/1-6 cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS509900, 472962, 497917 at 1130H to LZ at CHL(E), compl cold at 1505H.

7/19/71 08:55:00

198 Bde, Sp Pane, D/1-6, BT389034, 190750H. While on ptl, det 1xunk type B/T w/PTFD. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). D/O compl 0803H to 91 Evac.

7/22/71 16:50:00

198 Bde, Sgt Simon, D/1-6 cond an extr fr PZ’s at BT369006, 394038, 375025 at 1452H to CHL(E), compl cold at 1645H.

7/23/71 17:30:00

198 Bde, LT Moye, D/1-6, Unit cond an Eagle Flt fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1408H to LZ’s at BS511981 & CHL(E), compl 1728H. (Cold)

8/10/71 18:45:00

198 Bde, Sp Paine, D/1-6 cond CA at 1622H fr CHL to BS308988, 309993, 305983, compl Cold 1805H.

8/12/71 16:20:00

198 Bde, CPT Basner, D/1-6, BS289994 at 1615H. While on ptl rec SAF & unk number CCHG. Arty fired & G/S on sta at 1630H & eng SEL w/unk res. Unit swept w/neg res, but fd & dest 2xstruc, prox of contact was 25m W.

8/13/71 13:35:00

198 Bde, Sp Marada, D/1-6, BS297993, 131100H. Fd 3xstruc 15’x12’, 1xstruc 40’x30’, outside fd 2xanimal pens w/20xpigs & 4xchickens. Animals killed & struc dest. Area showed signs of rec use.

8/13/71 21:45:00

198 Bde, Sgt Terry, D/1-6, (en) BS299997, 131900H. Fd base camp, 23xstruc 4x40’x20’, 10x30’x15’, 7x20’x15’. 1xwas mess hall, 2xlatrines, all had bnkrs under them, also fd 6xchickens, 2xpigs, 6xletters, med supplies, assorted mil clothes, 1xpr homemade crutches, 2xdiaries, used in last 24xhrs. Dest struc, all else will be extr.

8/15/71 15:45:00

198 Bde, CPT Basner, D/1-6, (en) BS293996 at 1530H. While on ptl rec unk amt SAF fr 2-3xVC prox 150m E, contact broken at 1535H. Arty fired 50x105mm HE rds w/unk res. G/S on sta 1650H, eng SEL w/unk res, broke sta 1715H. Unit swept w/neg res.

8/19/71 15:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Pane, D/1-6, BS288988, 191420H. Rec SAF fr UNSEF, fr N 100m, rtn SAF. G/S on sta 1445H, expended, VC evad N. G/S off sta 1515H. Res: 1xUS WIA(E). Sweeping area & firing arty at this time. D/O compl 1450H to 91 Evac. Update: swept area w/neg res.

8/20/71 19:30:00

198 Bde, Sgt Terry, D/1-6 cond an extr at 1555H fr BS292991, 297996, 307993 to CHL, compl 1733H.

8/22/71 19:05:00

198 Bde, Sgt Terry, D/1-6, cond CA at 1830H fr CHL to BS532996, 578024, 589019, compl Cold 1857H.

8/24/71 15:25:00

198 Bde, Sp Pane, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1415H to LZ’s at BT498013, BT468023, BT456020, compl 1518H. (Cold)

8/30/71 18:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Pane, D/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ’s at BS463991, BS472022, BS496988 and BS459013 at 1620H to LZ’s at BT310010 and BT281069, compl 1805H. (Cold)

9/01/71 14:30:00

198 Bde, LT Dowley, D/1-6, BS293997, 011322H. While on ptl eng UNSEF w/SAF prox 15m W. Res: 1xVC KIA, dressed in green unif, 25xyrs old. Arty fired 26x105mm HE rds, unit swept again w/neg res.

9/03/71 16:15:00

198 Bde, CPT Bassner, 2/D/1-6, BS284992, 031545H. While on ptl rec unk amt SA/AWF fr S at 50m, contact broken at 1605H. Res: 3xUS WIA(E) & 1xUS WIA(M), 2xVC possibly wounded by G/S (D/1-1) under inves. D/O compl at 1641H, 1xDOA at 91 Evac. Ntfy: G1, CPT Scurry; G3, LTC Watts; XXIV Corps, Sp Lewis.

9/05/71 18:30:00

198 Bde, Sp Schumaker, D/1-6, Unit cond an extr fr PZ's at BS290997, BT286022, BT280013 to LZ at CHL(E), compl 1729H. (Cold).

9/09/71 11:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Salles, D/1-6 cond an ARMV fr PZ at CHL(E) at 0900H to LZ at LZ Carolyn, compl 1030H.

9/10/71 09:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Lawson, 1/D/1-6, BS327962, 100820H. While on ptl fd & dest unk type B/T w/PTFD on trail running N-S, crater 3'x2'.

9/11/71 15:25:00

198 Bde, Sp Salles, D/1-6, BS316975, 111330H. Fd 1xstgruc 5'x7'x6'. Inside fd 60lb petna, 26xB-40 rkts, 4xpr wire cutters, 15xCCHG, docu. Area appeared to be used 6xmos ago. Dest rkts in place, all other evac to CHL.

9/13/71 17:45:00

198 Bde, CPT Mendinca, D/1-6, Unit cond an ARMV fr PZ at Carolyn at 1705H to LZ at BT343000, compl 1715H. (Cold). Carolyn closed at 1705H confirmed by CPT Mendinca, 198 TOC.

9/16/71 15:05:00

198 Bde, Sp Lawson, 1/D/1-6, BS282964, 161450H. While on ptl obsr & eng w/SAF 2xNVA evad prox 50m W. Res: Dtn 1xVN WIA(E). D/O compl 1430H to 91 Evac. VN had neg ID and was wearing blk. Age unk. Class as NVA PW.

9/17/71 15:45:00

198 Bde, Sp Salles, D/1-6 cond an extr fr PZ's at BS305989, BT288972, and BT342008 at 1325H to LZ at CHL(E), compl 1435H. (Cold).

9/21/71 14:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Salles, 1/D/1-6 cond an ARMV fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1342H to LZ's at BT480000, BT465026 and BT488022, compl 1345H. (Cold)

9/26/71 14:20:00

23 Inf Div, AAE, CPT Boyer, 178 ASHC, BT505005. 261340H. A CH-47 fr 178 ASHC dropped a load of PSP after net broke. 2/D/1-6 moved to site to secure load and assess damage, ETA 271000H.

9/29/71 08:30:00

(DELAYED) G3, LT Streett, D/1-6, BT505005, Ref DJF entry#38, 26 Sep 71. 2/D1-6 swept area of PSP drop of 26 Sep, 27 Sep, 28 Sep w/neg findings.

9/29/71 10:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Salles, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ’s at BT494018, BT498000, BT477027 and BT478000 at 0745H to LZ at BS300976, compl 0944H. (Cold)

9/29/71 15:20:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ at BS300976 and BT478000, compl 1511H.

9/30/71 16:00:00

D/1-6 cond an ARMV fr PZ’s at BS498000, BT496015 and BT479022 at 1505H to LZ at CHL(E), compl 1539H. (Cold).

10/05/71 18:45:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 1810H to LZ’s at BT517024, BT524024, BT582028, BT582027 and BT582015, compl 1827H. (Cold)

10/06/71 12:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ at CHL(E) at 0953H to LZ’s at BS428956, BS433944, BS433948, compl 1043H. (Cold).

10/07/71 09:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6, 070830H. At BS445956 while sweeping area of old A/S fd 1xold struc w/neg rec use. At BS444956 fd and kept 1xM-26 HG laying on trail.

10/10/71 16:55:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, BS419859, 101540H. 1xUS fell off a cliff while on ptl, res in 1xbroken knee. D/O compl w/jungle penetrator at 1640H to 91 Evac.

10/13/71 16:15:00

198 Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6, BS408962, 131145H. While in day laager obsr & eng 3xVC w/SAF prox 500m W. Arty fired 9x105mm HE rds w/unk res. Unit swept area w/neg findings.

10/14/71 14:45:00

198 Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6, BS433945, 141320H. While on ptl rec 2xrds SAF fr 250m E, res in 1xVN interpreter WIA(E). Unit rtn SA/AWF and swept area w/neg res. D/O compl at 1350H to 91 Evac.

10/15/71 13:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Duncan, D/1-6 cond an extr fr PZ’s at BS405954, BS411945, and BS434945 at 1030H to LZ’s at LZ Saloon 1xplt to CHL, compl at 1130H. (Cold)

10/17/71 21:57:00

198 Bde, Sgt Terry, D/1-6, BT390011, 171630H. 1xUS was WNB(E) when a shotgun pellet ricocheted and hit him in the rib. The US was firing the shotgun. D/O compl to 91 Evac by R/S.

10/18/71 13:00:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, cond a CA fr PZ at LZ Saloon at 1228H to LZ at BT369015, compl 1230H. (Cold).

10/18/71 13:05:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, Unit cond a CA fr PZ at LZ Saloon at 1228H to LZ at BT369015 at 1305H. (Cold)

10/19/71 13:30:00

198 Bde, Sp Marata, D/1-6, Unit cond a ARMV fr PZ at FSB Saloon at 1322H to LZ at FSB Truncheon, compl 1325H.

10/20/71 15:00:00

TF Americal, Sp Marata, D/1-6 cond a CA fr PZ’s at Truncheon and CHL(E) at 1340H to LZ at BS297964, compl 1450H. (Cold)

10/22/71 17:00:00

23d Inf, MAJ Swift, AAE, 221730H. A UH-1H while on R/S for D/1-6 was last heard fr at 1615H-1630H. About 1715H1730H search was started. There were 3xpers fr D/1-6 on the ship w/the crew. Another ship, also on R/S for 1-6 was told to start looking. At 1810H, D/1-1 Cav was committed to search. Neither search was able to find anything. Helicopters fr 116 AHC, off fr CHL at 1615H-1630H, last ship was heard after that time calling to ground unit by 2d Hornet ship. At 1700H, RF#713, BS517886 obsr UH-1H low over Tra Bong river mov E. RF#103 BS544907 has not obsr or heard a helicopter. Ntfy: XXIV Corps, CPT Brand.

10/24/71 13:10:00

TF Americal, Sp Marata, D/1-6, Unit cond an extr fr PZ at BS298974 at 1200H to LZ at CHL(E), compl 1304H. (Cold)

10/24/71 17:00:00

TF Americal, Sp Riggs, BS358982, Refer to DJF entry#18, 22 Oct 71. At 1300H, a UH-1H wreckage was fd by D/1-1, 2xUS were standing on top of wreckage. At 1345H Pathfinders were inserted and at 1350H 2xUS WNB(E) and 1xUS KNB were D/O by 2xUH-1H fr 116 AHC. D/O was compl to 91 Evac, 1400H. At 1440H, and 1500H, Blues fd and medivaced 2xUS WNB(E) to 91 Evac. Blues & Pathfinders fd 2xadditional US KNB and searched for 1xUS MNB. At 1620H, Blues, Pathfinders and 2xUS KNB were extr Cold to CHL due to inclement weather. Total casualties: 3xUS KNB and 4xUS WNB(E). Will search later for 1xUS MNB.



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